Translation from the book: Discípulos y Maestros
Initiatically the Disciple is obliged to be a worthy representative of the Truth and of his Master.
He should not be called to deceive, nor filled with silly pretensions. He must not presume values, scope and authority that he does not possess, because this is ridiculous, false, clumsy and crude.
The disciple leads a patrician life in the midst of the vulgar, morbid and brutal hustle and bustle of daily life, because he actualizes in a practical way the value of the Universal Principles. Hence he is a true aristocrat of Nature and noble of the Universe, although his regal attire is only virtues and his chivalrous armor consists only of dignifying thoughts and exemplary life.
The Spiritual Life is based exclusively on the Universal Principles, and all the teaching of the Masters is founded on them. The Universal Principles are the foundations of life, and they are the ones that allow a dignifying improvement as long as we adhere to inspiring values and truly universal meaning.
The doctrinal concepts and apothegms that limit our vision or separate us from the rest of the Universe are simple dogmas, with no more validity than fleeting and superficial parochial programs, for the use of dull souls and blunt intelligences. That which does not exalt us does not dignify us either, and that which is not applicable to all the circumstances of life and does not really express the sense of beauty, goodness, and sublime truth, though incomprehensible - but which the souls of selection never fail to feel - is but mere mystical fantasy or catechism rhetoric for the use of the ignorant (poor in spirit).
The Masters always express themselves clearly, which makes it useless to resort to interpretations. Its teachings must be adhered to, which are good for all times and places, and apply to all racial and psychological types, no matter what their age. And it is because the Masters act with Universal Principles and all their work is concentrated on the very magma of which nature is formed.