* May the subtle forces of nature be concentrated in me, and may I be an adequate and a dignified vehicle in whatever form they may be manifested.
*May all ill thoughts be dissolved; may all evil intentions be without effect; and those who, without manifesting them, have pernicious designs against me, be rendered harmless.
* May my mental powers be purified so that I shall be able to sublimate all the forces that reach me.
*May I be here, everywhere, and forever the most beautiful expression of the Universal energy, and may my thoughts interpret at every moment the best virtues of life.
*May the Masters of Wisdom help me in my projects, also the elder brothers by their illumination and their conscious realizations. Thus may my yearnings of conscientious superation be realized fully among all living beings.
*May I never weaken while struggling to accomplish my designs, and may I persist steadfastly in my yearnings and aspirations; thus, my superiors, more perfect then I, will find in me at all times, the dignified exponent of wisdom, which I love, and a true devotee of truth, that I am endeavoring to understand and serve well.
* May I always be pure of heart, mind and conscience, such as I earnestly aspire to be; also the sincere and benevolent brother that I should be,
*Wise Masters, come to me and guide me always in the path of perfect life. Inspire me. Illumine me.