From de book: “THE ESSENCE OF SPIRITUAL SCIENCE". Anatomy and etiology of modern world conditions. First edition 1946.
Autor: Kut Humi Lal Singh – Kwang Hsih
Our main concern in this Message is in regards to the SPIRITUAL SCIENCE. "Budhism" is a word coined by Westerners to designate the concepts and practices connected with the Budha. However, we (in the Orient, like in all the Sanctuaries) prefer to refer to it as Budhagama, Tathatathagata, Atmavidya, Dhamma, and Bodha, or Science of the Essence of Life and Spiritual Designs of Universal Nature.
We have sought to establish the Moral, Mental, and Spiritual characteristics of the DHAMMA in all its diverse specifications. It is true that many different schools of thought have sprang recently in the mien of Budhahood, but we must also realize that all the Yanas, or Vehicles conduce to the same and unique goal, Spiritual Consciousness, and ultimately to Nirvana or Ultimate Realm of Logoic Essence. When the Spiritual Consciousness Movement sprang-up four decades ago, this marked the beginning of a great Spiritual Revival in the Orient. It came about to restate the Dhamma in modern terms, and in accordance to present-day needs and developments.
It is important to heed this Revival Movement because it responds to general Cosmic designs. In fact, it began almost simultaneously with great inventions like Radio and Aviation, and when the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION was being organized throughout the world. It actually marks the beginning of the New Era (Aquarius). This event is as important, in fact, historically and Spiritually as the first appearance of the Budha Gautama's Spiritual Reform 29 centuries ago, which marked the ushering in of the epoch of science and of artistic splendor in India, a freedom of the rugged religionism of Brahmanism, a better understanding of the Vedas, and the appearance of the wonderful philosophical treatises known as Sutras, Udanas, Brahmanas, and Upanishads. It is important to register here that the developments of the Buddha’s followers have known a MORALITY that knows no equal. It is not to be compared with that of any religion or philosophical system because it stands out above them all. The SANGHA was always known as the Buddha’s army of virtue.[1]. But this virtue of ours has nothing to do with sexual matters, nor is it dependent on the gloomy and depressive attitude so common in the systems of faith. This is due, foremost, to the fact that we rely on no dogmas, and depend on no priesthood. We are all individually responsible for our DOINGS, our WORDS, and our very THOUGHTS.
Other schools of thought are either based on crude syllogism, delusively called reason, or on Fear, Weakness, Servitude, Fatalism, Superstition and Self-centeredness. They have Hell[2] to torment them after death, or to threaten them. They are weak and unable to depend on themselves. They are superstitious and gloomy, the which accounts for their morbous sentimentalism and their pompous rituals, and they are selfish and absolutists, as it is proven by their dogmas, their clergy and their system of herd-like and irresponsible regimentation. Then they are so unreliable and untrustworthy that they adhere to a tyrannical anthropomorphism. All this is a direct revelation of their lack of sound MORAL principles and foundations, of an authentic PSYCHOLOGY or science of the Soul, and of an Awakening of Conscience. To them Theology is a fitting substitute for all moral values and noteworthy knowledge about the Mind (Mindology), or qualities of Consciousness (epistemology, intuition, visualization and Spiritual Realization)[3].
(3) We have to call the attention of the SANGHA, also, toward the increasing practice of imposture in the West, taking the name of the ESOTERIC SANCTUARIES: The LAMAIST CHURCH OF THIBET, the BUDHIST ORDERS, and the prestigious name of the CHOHANS, BODHISATVAS and BUDHAS, especially those of MAHATMA KUT HUMI LAL SINGH and LORD MORYA. In order to check this growth of charlatanry, and to prevent the development of superstition and other forms of exploitation of human credulity, the GREAT WORLD BUDHIC COUNCIL, which is the only Official outward body of the Esoteric Sanctuaries or Spiritual Universities, which has the obligation to watch for the maintenance of Spiritual Values and Universal Principles in their pristine purity and implications, and which is governed, precisely, by the Chohans, Bodhisatvas and Budhas above refered to, wishes to manifest its categorical repudiation of such methods as well as its open protestation against all such procedures. Not only is the Theosophical Society unauthorized to use the name of the Masters of Wisdom or to speak on behalf of Budhism, but it has absolutely no rights to claim any contact with the Sangha, or Great Universal White Brotherhood, and this applies equally to the organization AMORC, of San José, California, The Society of Comasonry, and all societies that are not legally connected with the SANGHA, or with the above-mentioned Chohans.
[1] This fact is unfortunately not generally known, but at the time of the Budha there flourished in India great Universities like that of Lalanda, the Angkor Vat in Indochina, the Vihara of Borobodur in Java, and the Schools of Sikang and Peking in China. Besides, there were the caves of Elephanta and Ajanta, and the Pagodas of Siam, Burma and Nepal. Culture spread like a sacred fire throughout the Orient. Sages were able mathematicians and artists created works that even today have remained unequalled by the greatest genius of Greece, Rome, and of the modern scientific wonder-workers of the Western World.
[2] We also, have many HELLS; but these are effective right here, in the form of mental anguish and desperation. These HELLS are suffered right here and now, during life.
[3] We have to call the attention of the SANGHA, also, toward the increasing practice of imposture in the West, taking the name of the ESOTERIC SANCTUARIES: The LAMAIST CHURCH OF THIBET, the BUDHIST ORDERS, and the prestigious name of the CHOHANS, BODHISATVAS and BUDHAS, especially those of MAHATMA KUT HUMI LAL SINGH and LORD MORYA. In order to check this growth of charlatanry, and to prevent the development of superstition and other forms of exploitation of human credulity, the GREAT WORLD BUDHIC COUNCIL, which is the only Official outward body of the Esoteric Sanctuaries or Spiritual Universities, which has the obligation to watch for the maintenance of Spiritual Values and Universal Principles in their pristine purity and implications, and which is governed, precisely, by the Chohans, Bodhisatvas and Budhas above referred to, wishes to manifest its categorical repudiation of such methods as well as its open protestation against all such procedures. Not only is the Theosophical Society unauthorized to use the name of the Masters of Wisdom or to speak on behalf of Budhism, but it has absolutely no rights to claim any contact with the Sangha, or Great Universal White Brotherhood, and this applies equally to the organization AMORC, of San José, California, The Society of Comasonry, and all societies that are not legally connected with the SANGHA, or with the above-mentioned Chohans.