sello au



New York City, 25th of December 1957


In a Special Message sent to the United Nations, on the occasion of Christmas and New Year, we mentioned some of the many major needs of the world, which needed immediate attention, nay problems which should be immediately solved.  We could not by-pass the tragic conditions of the Middle East.

In our Special Report on the Middle East, last year, we referred to the fact that there is no issue but war, unless injustice be stopped and righteousness restored in the Holy Land, where strife and devilish infamy have taken the place of the Religions of wisdom, love and purity of life, corresponding respectively to Hebrew’s, Christianity and Islam. And war between the Arab nations and Israel would soon spell world war.

We also presented different Plans destined to bring about lasting solutions to the Middle East imbroglio, promoted and provoked in the first place by the UN when it created the nation Israel, displacing over a million Palestinians from their own homeland, so as to give a home to the world’s Hebrews.  The ideal solution would be, of course, the restitution of Palestine to Palestinians, who live in exile on the fringes of the desert as rejects of their own homeland, since they have been ousted, by the new possessors.  - The next best solution would be to separate the Arab nations from Israel, and we proposed a six miles strip of land, right around Israel, three of which would be contributed by Israel and the other three by the Arab nations on each side of the present border.  This is, or course, a drastic measure, yet much better in any event than the present-day no man’s land with all its tragic consequences in human lives as well a morally, socially and religiously.  Needless to say, our different Plans as presented were merely some basis for discussion, so as to make mediation possible.

Our role as peacemakers does not consist simply to make recommendations, and dictating to other people just what to believe and what to do.   We have to settle differences, reconcile interests and eradicate problems.  Neither has our task been an easy one, as it is never impossible to be the target of misunderstanding and to receive foul blows, when least expected, when we stand between two contending parties.  In our case, we know by experience that the Middle East tragedy is not a matter of adopting this or that Doctrine, and, naturally, the armaments poured into these countries by major nations only contribute to the inferno.

It is easily conceivable that neither Israel nor the Arab nations want this situation to continue indefinitely. All really want a solution, but without any sacrifice whatever.  This, of course, is really impossible.  The real victims of this situation are certainly the million or so ARAB REFUGEES, who live miserably in improvised shacks made of rags and tin cans, in most unsanitary conditions and with utter disregard to social and educational problems. This is to say the least outrageous, because these people are human beings. Christendom has remained indifferent in the face of this terrible problem, while Israel want to ignore it and the Moslem world has not yet marshalled its resources to help these poor victims of modern materialistic civilization and international politics.

Now, what can be done, immediately, for these ARAB REFUGEES, to alleviate their plight and to solve their problem? – Our proposition is that these unfortunate homeless and futureless people be entrusted to the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE, since they are so unwanted. We would guarantee their education and sustenance, and also their placement in other countries. To do this would be to rehabilitate over ONE MILLION people. One million human beings who deserve to live, to love and o enjoy true democracy as much as the rest of mankind.

        Another solution would be that Egypt and Israel grant to the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE a place of land of about 50 square miles, anywhere close to the sea.  We will do the rest at our own expenses, giving these people a real homeland and a way of life to be proud of.  It is not possible to let over one million human beings in such destitute conditions of living, right there in the Holy Land of yesterday, as though they were condemned as unwanted derelicts while their only sin would seem that of being alive and to be born in a country that received so much from God in the past and now has little to give in the form of religious humanism.

In the name of God and Humanity, let us hear from Israel and Egypt, soon.  Their decision will be suitable to us.  Any other country may also assist us in such a grand humanitarian enterprise, if they wish.  Those million Arab Refugees deserves rescuing.  Let us act at once, not with aims and fancy political measures; but with a final situation to their ten years old problem. They have suffered enough.  Let us prove to them that mankind is capable of a real beau geste, and that democracy is above all, humanitarian.

                                                    Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig

                                            President of the World Board of 

                                                 Patrons and Trustees of the

                                                     World Religious Council