Visto: 10725


We consider the human body as one of the greatest marvels of the whole eternal universe. In fact, it is to a great extent a synthesis of all the attributes and powers of Nature.

We are all born naked, and the human being is the only animal that dons artificial clothing. He is also most surely the only living creature capable of hypocrisy, villainous deceit, shame of himself, and subject to all sorts of unseeming diseases, being unable to ward off or to combat parasites, viruses and sickness because of his frailty and impotence in the face of natural conditions surrounding his unrationally wrapped or disguised academy. But it is very likely that man uses fancy clothing only to disguise his real identity, after all, or merely to deceive people about his own ignorance regarding himself.

As for sex, this is a rather complex term which may mean anything from the organs of biological reproduction, a turmoil of lowly passions, roman displicence, Sodom-Gomorrah orgies, lusty profanities, neurotic frenzy, or savage fury, too often mistaken for romance, sacred love or mystic performances. In the Hatha Yoga system, for instance, it is claimed that " God is awakened through sexual function in an embrace of two willing creatures who set their mind on divine fulfillment". If it were just that easy, the world would be now the most perfect of all the paradises. Only the apologists of such a formula of promiscuity through passing anthropomorphic seduction do not say that their acrobatic antics are destined foremost to awaken and increase their sexual vigor. Such fads or vices are just deterrent as other forms of overindulgence. But above all, let us not lose sight of the fact that if the function of the perpetuation of the species is a biological marvel with unutterable  pleasures added, it is no less a form of moral degradation and loss of  self-respect and of dignity. If man cannot control his sexual appetites he cannot claim to be anything but an animal of the worse conditions, for not being able to control himself he behaves worse than the ordinary animal who, in normal circumstances ( that is if not sick or mentally deranged ) show evidences of composure and admirable dignity. Comparisons lead to obvious conclusions.

But if nudity is held as shameful, people become shameful when nude. It is all in our own mental attitudes. Sex is also shameful, vile, devilish in the measure that we consider it so, for WE MAKE IT SO THROUGH OUR DISTORTED AND MONSTROUS WAYS OF THINKING. But we need only cast a good glance at the world of people who shun nudism and condemn sex to realize to what extent they are victims of their own wrong mental attitudes. They are haunting by degrading ideas, and real preys of their own fears, shames, inhibitions and condemnations. In reality, they should be ashamed of themselves for being so foolish and unrational.

The right attitude toward nudity and sex is that of the  educated person who knows all about the mechanism of life and the sacredness of Human Conscience and Dignity. People generally abhor nudity but in privacy will prove all the contrary, and the same applies to sex. It has been said that the human body is a Temple of God. This is just as fitting  a definition as the best other, but sex is also a wondrous function that links us all to parentage of divinity in any way we choose to consider it. Sex is sacred, and any one of us can actually prove it. The problem begins, however, when we start denying things, not realizing that by such procedure we can only reach corresponding negative and villainous conclusions. If people were taught the truth about the so called mysteries of life there would be no more idiotic promiscuity and degrading laxity, and youngsters would learn to honor themselves by behaving with dignity, considering sex as important as breathing and alimentation. Now, if we eat like barbarian monsters and breath like robots or zombies,  it is only natural that we also cater to sex like uneducated and moronish beasts. The New Age Man knows all about these things, and he masters himself and lives in masterly way, for he EATS AND DRINKS intelligently, and also BREATHE PURPOSEFULLY, and indulge in SEX with dignity, and KEEPS HIMSELF HEALTHY AND FIT BY MEANS OF ADEQUATE HYGIENIC PRACTICES WHICH MAINTAIN HIS MATERIAL BODY, HIS PSYCHE, HIS MIND AND HIS SPIRIT COMPLETELY DISINTOXICATED, IN FORM FOR THE BETTER LIFE AND THE NOBLER REALIZATIONS.

It is not what we eat that feeds us. It is, rather, the way we take food.

It is not the action of breathing air that really depurates and fortifies us, but the way we breathe.

It is not the amount of cloths we cover our body with that makes us more moral, or more intelligent, but, rather, the way we think and live.

It is not what we claim to believe or to know that actually makes us great persons or wonderfully mannered and happy people, but the way we do our own thinking.

Of course, man is wonderfully beautiful piece of natural machinery. It deserves to be well maintained, and Nature may yet show us the right course to follow with our capacity of mastery with noble ideals, dignifying consciousness and ennobling designs.

People who live conscientiously are not afraid of nudity, because this practice is absolutely in accord with all the laws of nature, and also due to the fact that they are more inclined to take care of themselves, bodily and inwardly. And, if we may so, sex loses most of its mysterious attraction when nudity is commonly practiced, because it is regarded more as a natural function which demands a high degree of self-respect. As for virginity, the more we learn about life the more we know that is as precious as fidelity among married couples. If sex is to be regarded as only a source of sensual pleasure and beastly satisfaction, then we must admire and honor the animals who do behave much more intelligently and wisely.


It is not nudity that counts but the potentiality, the rhythm and the inspiration that it conveys. Pr. OM Lind ( Museum Art Section )

It is not life that really counts but the amount of love and light we put into it. Pr OM Lind ( Museum - Answer to the Einstein's equation).


Excerpt From: General Membership Handbook (full text at disposal)