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“It is of fools to do have an opportunity to the good and ignore i.” - Platón
“Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness... their’s shall be the
Kingdom of God”- Lord Christ.
“Blessed are the peacemakers... for the Father is with them” - Lord Christ.
“There is no greater gift than the gift of Truth”- Lord Buddha

Illustrious Brother in Spiritual Ideals,

This is a document of great importance, because it is sent only to certain Religious, Fraternal, Chivalric, Civic, Philosophical and Spiritualist organizations which are not Associates of either the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE or the UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM, or Active Members of the PERMANENT WORLD PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS, FRATERNITIES AND PHILOSOPHIES.

We thought you would like to know more about our activities, how we think, what we believe, and what we aim at in our noble endeavors. Needless to say, to us only Divine Law, Spiritual values and Humanitarian designs are worth considering, or living and dieing for. Besides, our spirit can be better understood if we realize that we are strictly a non-profit, non-mercantile, non-proselytic, non-political and non-sectarian World-wide Movement, directed by prestigious leaders of all the main Religious, Faith, Fraternal, Ethical, Spiritualist and Philosophical organizations of the whole world. We are in the Service of God, Truth and Humanity - not of any special organization and denomination in particular, no matter how conspicuous or powerful they may be.

As time passes it seems that religious, idealistic and philosophical Movements and organisms have a greater responsibility in the present-day world drama. It is obvious, of course, that a return to wholesome and peaceful living depends on a definite restitution of real ethics, commendable morality, and reasonable sanity, so as to prove the unquestionable merits of true Religious life and Spiritual values. No civilization that rests on the right of might, conquest by force, and rule by violence can really withstand the test on elementary religious ethics and true Spiritual values.

Only Religion can now save the world from utter chaos. The true and practical Religion of Love, Impersonal Service, Unselfish Devotion, effective sagacity, and real Brotherhood of Man in the Kingdom of God - we mean. Unfortunately, Religious Freedom is jeopardized in more ways than one in most latitudes of the world. Besides, Inter-Religious and Inter-Faith co-operation are still in rudimentary forms if not only symbolical. There is only ONE God, ONE Truth, ONE Golden Rule, and ONE Humanity, but most people do not realize it, as they have not been reared and groomed to serve God, Truth and Humanity so much as for the vain pursuit of purely self-righteous, selfish, delusory and worldly motives. This explains the bedlam of modern effete morals, the increase of juvenile delinquency, the folly of elders who believe more in the right of might than in their own Faiths, and the sinister omen of threatening nuclear weapons which incessantly increase in ominous power and number.

Shall human beings never solve their problems intelligently, peacefully, righteously, and nobly? Why must money be all-powerful, and violence and military ordnance be preferred to ennobling ethics and much vaunted Faith? Why not really establish at once the Universal Brotherhood-Commonwealth of Man? Why, indeed, don’t people live wholesomely, righteously, peacefully and wisely as proposed by all Religions and Faiths, establishing forthwith the Kingdom Divine? Our own aims and what we strive for consist, precisely, in the fulfillment of man’s better yearnings.

There is undoubtedly much room in a genuine Brotherhood-Commonwealth of intelligent Mankind, wherein people of different Religions, Faiths, Churches, Fraternities and Philosophies may live peacefully,  and in mutual assistance and protection, mutual healing and blessing in the name of the only God, Truth and Humanity we all agree - though vaguely - upon, and, last but not least, mutual love and rehabilitation.

Perhaps the worse problem of the modern man consists in not being able to reconcile limited and superficial selfish views and interests of this world with the eternal and universal principles of true ethics, and also in reducing God, Truth and Humanity in proportions so as to meet only his own exclusive and supercilious concepts or aspirations. Yes, for one thing, there are too many claimants to Divine Perfection and Infinite Grandeur in matters of Religion, Love, Peace, Righteousness, Brotherhood, Charity, Holiness, and even democracy and human brotherhood, yet not enough - so few - practicants. Then, also, too many people want to rule, or to prove their rights - or to be the first, greatest, mightiest and unique - at the expense of brutality, that is either murder or war, thus depriving other people of the rights which we so brutally claim for ourselves, and seeking to prove their point by catering to devilish monstrosity. Too often, people lose sight of their own ideals while wanting to impose them on others, or do serve satanic designs and powers by not being really worthy of their avowed love of God, Truth and Humanity. Perhaps the whole problem rests, in fact, in the failure of man heretofore to realize that all people really love, worship and serve the same God, Truth and Humanity, though fanatically refusing any degree of sincerity and earnestness to the people who dissent in concepts or methods. Again, lest we forget, there is the terrible factor of unexamplified ethical, philosophical and Spiritual teachings even among people who loudly claim to be profoundly fraternal and of infinite religious devotion, that is the lack of true moral consistency and earnest dedication to what is proclaimed as Faith as well as authentic Spiritual principles. In other words, there is in this ungraceful and distraught world of ours, today, too much rhetorics and not enough sincere and practical living in regards to religion, philosophy and spirituality. World people who claim to be truly Religious, Fraternal, Philosophical, or Spiritual, yet refuse to give good examples or to justify themselves by actually living up to their own claims, teachings or promises.

Why not provoke a wider Spiritual Renaissance, and settle all problems through peaceful and intelligent agreement? Or must people prefer the issues of villainy, vice, serfdom, racial domineering, satanic bigotry and intolerance, foolish power-politics, ruthless violence and satanic warfare?

Need we be more explicit about our aims? Furthermore, we would like to enlist your whole-hearted and unconditional CO-OPERATION toward the realization of our noble aims. That which is either abominable or criticable should be forthwith condemned and eradicated.

Why this complicity with devilish conditions and brutish purpose ? -- All Religions claim to establish, in their own exclusive way, the Kingdom of God or Spiritual Heaven hereunder, and all Fraternities and Philosophies likewise proclaim that they constitute or represent Divine Law and the universal brotherhood of man. Still the world is, today, nonetheless a great battlefield of waring nations and groups of people, a theatrical stage of well displayed moronish brutality and vice, a real bedlam of civilized insanity and religious bigotry. Quousque tandem? - It is not enough to sing Praises to the Lord, or to wail over unfulfilled spiritual and democratic ideals; neither is it conducive to real Spirituality and to the genuine democracy which dignifies man to merely build mighty armies and materially wealthy cities. All this is undeluded foolishness and pure vanity.

Mankind cannot hope to see the world converted over-night and miraculously into an emporium of peaceful people or of democratic life, or an authentic Kingdom of God until and unless people really get together on a basis of conscientious realization and unlimited willingness to solve world problems and meet human needs in a practical manner. Strife can only nurture the lower passions of man, and hatred brings still more hatred and violence. Furthermore, political arrangements do not solve problems any more than sadistic overtness, ghoulish gangsterism, religious fanaticism, and monstrous wars.

We believe, and proclaim, that humanity shall not know the real benefits of Religion until nations and peoples are religious enough to apply their respective Religion everywhere and under all circumstances. Neither true Religion nor genuine Fraternity, authentic Spiritualism and real Philosophy can be partial or conventional, for either we are righteous or we are not; either we love or we love not; either we are charitable and compassionate or we are not; either we are peaceful (and abominate violence or war) or we are not; either we are Sons of God or we are not. Either we are intelligent and well-meaning people, or we are simple fools with devilish complexes.

We do not claim, of course, that we can solve all world problems and put  all mankind on a footing of Divine Kingdom. We do believe, however, that there is no harm and no time lost in TRYING to pacify souls and to unite people by the heart and by means of Spiritual Communion. - We are also absolutely certain that people of all the different Faiths, Fraternities and Spiritual Philosophies of the whole world can CO-OPERATE  to a great extent, if they have at heart some of the basic elements of Religion which they claim to endorse. If they really love, worship and Serve the only existing GOD-TRUTH, they are bound to coincide in concepts and endeavors. Also, if they are really and truly humanitarian, they shall think, feel and work - or teach, heal, protect and bless the only Humanity there is.

The great forces which now menace mankind do not constitute only a promise of monstrous warfare and devilish chaos, or the banishment of our species and the blasting out of our planet into cosmic dust. It likewise affords us a SUPREME CHALLENGE. This great imperative is, in other words, a choice between RUTHLESS MATERIALISTIC RULE, and THE GOLDEN RULE OF SPIRITUAL VALUES. Which is it that we prefer? In what way do Churches, Fraternities and learned Societies outside the Universal Religious Alliance and Universal Holy Realm propose to answer our query, or to meet the SUPREME  CHALLENGE  to  humanity?

We contend that people who are really Religious, Fraternal or Philosophical to any degree, are so everywhere and at all time. If not, they are not what they claim to be. Furthermore, even without Religion, Fraternity, Spiritualism and Philosophy of whatever sort or dimension, people can still be dignified and respectable if they are really and truly wholesome, peaceful, righteous, kind, reasonable and well inspired, and constitute the Divine Kingdom and Brotherhood of Man. For true life is not fashioned exclusively by religious orthodoxy, or even by club rules and philosophical complacencies. If it is true that ‘birds of a same feather assemble’, why could it not be so of human people also? Why cannot intelligent people live peacefully, respectably and in real friendship or Brotherhood? - We have in our mind the ennobling ideals of the Divine Kingdom, and the Universal Brotherhood of Man, on a basis of true Spiritual Communion, with all respectable Religions, Fraternities and Spiritual Philosophies combining their efforts and jointly praying and working, and AT-ONE in guiding, teaching, healing, protecting and blessing Humanity. Is this impossible? What is there so obnoxious and unacceptable about our purports and purposes? Or is all this too good to be true?

The ONENESS of the Holy Realm or Divine Kingdom and Spiritual Communion is unquestionable, as there is only ONE God, ONE Truth, ONE sacred Righteousness, and ONE Humanity. This explains, in fact, why we proclaim since 1912 that the future of mankind and the world at large does not rest on any particular brand of faith or special kind of nation and method of politics. There is, indeed, only chaos, misery, strife, desolation, sickening, anxiety and tragedy for our species as long as divisionism and bigotry prevail, as until the people of all Faiths and Religions abandon their SECTARIANISM, PARTISANSHIP AND PERSONALISM, and develop a real, conscientious and practical MISSIONARY SPIRIT. This missionary spirit is none other than the essence of Divine Teachings and Spiritual Instructions of the greatest sages of yesterages, and the opposite of selfishness, self-righteousness and self-centeredness. God-Truth-Humanity cannot be owned or ruled in any way by this or that brand of Faith or kind of nation, as none can ever hold exclusive rights to them. What is more, the supreme ideal of humanity is to live in God-Truth, without any sort of doctrinal barriers or political frontiers, or dictates from mystical (providential) over lordship. When people are enough big-hearted and really noble in Spirit they will discover that Religion is NOT a way of harnessing souls unto feeble-mindedness and prestigious ignorance or vice, but, rather, to the utmost dignification of man and unlimited Spiritual liberation.

Great ideals and endeavors like these cannot remain ignored for long, particularly when it is realized that the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE affords more than a Universal Education, and Social and Spiritual Service to its adherents, but it actually assists their development in all the latitudes of the world, and also represents and protects them in all official spheres. Soon, also, it will have duly established the Economic Security (Life Insurance Policy) for the members of all religious clergies, and also a World Spiritual See as well as Spiritual Embassies in all legally established countries. To that effect many nations have already been approached, and requested to dedicate strips of land in the form of Special Concessions, where we may establish autonomous Settlements of the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE and UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM of Kingdom of God for the exclusive use of our Associates. Yet it is the earlier collaborators that shall benefit the most, as they will have gained more prestige as well as greater moral authority and Spiritual power.

As repeatedly emphasized, the greatest need of the hour is a momentous and effective World-wide Campaign for the Dignification of Man, and a positively practical Crusade of Moral Rehabilitation (These are being organized throughout the world). TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR. Such a great task, needless to say, is everyone’s concern and duty, and we hope that you will not fail to understand as well as assist us in such unique and timely endeavors.

This is no time for wishful thinking. Ideals must be fulfilled, and Holy Teachings demonstrated.

Grand Assemblies of the PERMANENT WORLD PARLIAMENT (CONGRESS) OF RELIGIONS, FRATERNITIES AND SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHIES  are to be held in New York, Tokyo, Havana and Jerusalem during the year 1958 and to that effect we heartily INVITE the heads and main spokesmen of all Divinely inspired and prestigious public-spirited Churches, Faiths, Fraternities, Mystic Orders, Peace Movements, Ethical Associations, Spiritual Colleges, Idealist and Chivalric Guilds, Vegetarian Groups, learned Academies, Humanist groups and Animal Welfare Societies to partake in these momentous Spiritual endeavors, unbiasedly, practically, and unconditionally. It is not a pre-requisite to adhere to either the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE or the UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM. All we seek is your moral assistance and Spiritual guidance, and, lest we forget, the only contribution expected from Active Participants. Should you be unable to attend personally, kindly send or appoint Official Delegates, so as to be duly represented in these epoch-making sessions of the world Congress of Mankind.

We wish to remind you, naturally, that the PERMANENT WORLD PARLIAMENT (CONGRESS) OF RELIGIONS, FRATERNITIES AND PHILOSOPHIES is the only one in existence, legally authorized and historically established by virtue of public decisions of the highly inspired official delegates of most of the more prestigious Religions, Fraternities, Philosophies and Spiritual organizations now in existence, and that its Open Forum are absolutely FREE - (Conditions: Goodwill and earnestness. No fees. Free vote. No censorship, vote or unilateral or dictatorial ruling. Decisions become By-Laws  and  Pronouncements  of  the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE.)

Unscrupulous imitators and later-day charlatans seem to forget this.

Furthermore, we wish to attract your attention to our educational section, known as World University of Religions and Spiritual Science, and our Courses of Study which are given absolutely GRATIS to all applicants who are sincere seekers after Truth and earnest devotees of Spiritual values.

We also have in formation since many years a Museum of Religion and a Great Library of Human Search for Truth and Pursuit for Peace and Happiness. Everybody is invited to contribute to them as they wish.

Last but not least, we would like to remind you of our generous efforts in organizing Prayer-Meditation on a world-wide scale and according to daily schedules, for motives of Peace, Healing, Realization of the Divine Presence and all possible assistance to needy people, through the Holy Scheme or Sacred Mandala. This also is absolutely Free Service, of course.

We trust that our sincere yearnings and noble endeavors appeal to you and your prestigious organization. We cannot avoid hoping, also, that we will be favored with your undivided moral adhesion and Spiritual CO-OPERATION.

May we hear from you at your earliest convenience, and in the meantime we wish to remain,

Devotedly yours in universal harmonies and Divine Blessings, in the Impersonal and Unselfish Service of God, Truth and Humanity.

Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig
The President of the World Board of Patrons and Trustees.

Paris, 1rst of January, 1958

Reprint : Courtesy of the World University of Religions and Spiritual Science. 


Note of Reedition
This document, for its permanent validity is inscribed inside the