Visto: 3451

La Havana, the 11th of March, 1960

Dr. Olajide Gomez


2, Kingsley Ave.

P.O. Box 305

Jos. N. NIGERIA. West Africa

Dear Brothers afar,

Infinite thanks for your kind letter of Feb. 16th just at hand, and we are so happy to have your news. Nigeria must be a wonderful country, indeed. If we can manage it to hold the Grand Assembly of the World Congress by the end of the year, I´ll be so happy to visit this wonderful nation, which will soon be free.

Thanks for giving me the address of two government Officials. I shall strive to contact them as soon as I can. The fact of the matter is that now I cannot make decisions due to the lack of proper representation in Nigeria, and guidance about that country. We have numerous contacts, but they do not seem active and capable. We cannot wish to go to a country if the people are not interested in our work. We are not simple evangelists or preachers, we are, rather, EDUCATORS, and we guide people into practical channels in the sense of excellence, humanly and spiritually.

It seems to us that if some Nigerians did approach the Nigerian authorities in our behalf, all complications would be simplified. Even the obtaining of visas seems awfully complicated to us, as there is no Nigerian representation in Cuba.

In Ghana there is considerable interest for our going there and it seems that we shall promptly receive adequate assistance, that is facilities of VISAS for our passports, and meeting grounds there when we reach destination. They seem to love culture. Would to be that in Ghana it was the same.

Thanks for writing us. We trust that we shall meet it in person it the near future. May God assist us the fulfillment of our great Spiritual Mission.

Yours most devotedly with highest Blessings,

Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig
Archbishop — Grand Coordinator