Visto: 3663

October 1rst, l966

Miss Ann S. Petluck
Miss Barbara Gould

This letter will bring you some important quotations from Prof. OM Lind’s Secretary, Miss Marie Peurozet, as received, partly in French:

« Le Prof. est parti hier soir pour Madrid pour chercher des visas. Son visa pour ce pays est à terme donc il doit partir. Huit pays sur dix n’admettent pas le Pr. Lind á cause de sa nationalité cubaine, et nous avons tous eu l’expérience de voir un train s’arrêter en pleine campagne pour forcer le Pr. Lind á descendre á causé de se nationalité, en Allemagne démocratique et chrétienne, et ceci devait nous obliger á marcher une dizaine kilomètres pour regagner la frontière Hollandaise, car nous venions de Hollande et allions en Suisse. Dans d’autres pays, c’est l’arrestation tout court. Ni l’Inde ni l’Angleterre n’en veulent non plus et maintenant c’est l’Amérique toute puissante qui le regarde do travers et le méprise ».

“Maintenant on demande des documents. Celá va faire sauter bien des gens. Is it not foolish to expect the Prof. make or dictate his own documents, recommending himself to the world... But I suppose the Prof. will furnish some as he really has a few, but as he says...”of such academic and ordination papers I am either ashamed or so belittled that I prefer not to mention them”. I AM WHAT I AM, and if people want to call me monkey or idiot, they are perfectly in their own right”.

“I shall have your letter to the Prof. I shall go to meet him tomorrow as I always accompanied him in his travels during the past 15 years. I am positive that Prof. Lind will refuse to make an affidavit guaranteeing his own personality in any sort of qualification. He is a man who shuns honors and fancy talks, and he will certainly not inconvenience any Head of organization with a request (begging) to write up a notarized recognition of his qualifications and accomplishments. If there is any such request to be made, let the UN, the World Church Service or whoever it may be do it, if they don’t believe what we say. When there is a crime, it is up to the police to discover the clues and the evidences”.

“Prof. Lind is much disillusioned with the UNHCR, the WCS and America. He realizes that all our sacrifices in Cuba were in vain and now pretty soon someone will be demanding from him to say how he was martirysed, by whom, when and exactly where during almost thirty months for saying “NO” to communism. We have witnessed this tragedy of Cuba and we should known what it means to us. But Prof. Lind is not a politician and his wonderful courage should stand as an example to those people at the UN and Washington who seem to think that a man is a freak merely because he has lost his birth certificate or his toothbrush. — We understand things in a different way. Refugees should not be thus jeopardized and bullied, and they should certainly not be made to wait five years or five months”.

REFUGEES NEED IMMEDIATE ATTENTION and when we want to perform charity we do not go about asking what is the nationality, the name or the faith of people.  IS NOT THE QUALITY OF BEING HUMAN THE GREATEST OF ALL THE CONDITIONS A MAN SHOULD ASPIRE? To attend a REFUGEE is not an act of charity or to engage in a privilege: it is a duty, a human obligation a Divine Commandment.

“Our predicament is rather complex. It is of course complicated, and we do not know where we shall go or what we will do.  We’ll see in Madrid what can be arranged.... I am very surprised that they ask now for documents. They never did before. Oh, I do hope that nobody ever  demands from me some testimonies about our Prof. simply  because I am his secretary.  In this case, such demands are simply stupid. Think of it. What can clerks and sub officials of any Church say about their Supreme Spiritual Director? And would their vouching be really valid? And if the Lord Christ came to this planet, would he demand such a document? Did Beethoven hold any academic Degree as musician? Did Einstein have a Degree as Physicist? Did Rabindranath Tagore have a Degree of Master Poetry to make him worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize? How ridiculous people can be, indeed”.

“You say you made an arrangement with Miss Petluck so that no more letters would be written to the UN or anywhere about Prof. Lind tragic case. I can assure you that I type most of Pr. Lind’s letters when I am near him, and this matter of letters being written is entirely out of his hands. If some people write demanding justice or righteous attention in His behalf it must be because they feel like it. I can oven guaranty that Pr. Lind has requested many organizations in India, Israel, Nigeria and England and Germany NOT TO WRITE ON HIS BEHALF, when they informed Him they would do so. But I would say that the best way to prevent
from sending strongly worded letters to UN or Washington would be to solve Dr. Lind’s harrowing problem. Now if the UN or other 0ffiial Agencies cannot solve Dr. Lind’s problem, they should immediately say so, and avoid us the cruelty of being further deluded. Five years or five months is really a tremendous lot of time to solve a single problem”.

“It look like people still have to learn to live peacefully and to practice a little of that which they call christianity.  Dr. Lind once said: “The world has known a pretty nasty nightmare during almost 2O00 years without Christ and calling themselves christians. Now we should have 2.000 years of Christ without so many dashing christians as those which are_still making the paradises of South Africa, Rhodesia, Cyprus and elsewhere

“I had a certain jolt when I saw that now they want Pr. Lind to prove that he belongs to a Religion or Church. It should be known once for all that in Asia Churches do not hand over titles of any sort. Besides, Dr. has been a Venerable Anagarika for over 20 years, and he represented the whole Budhist world at the Chicago 1933 World Congress of Faiths, Inclusive the Dalai Lama. Proofs may be obtained at the Chicago City Hall. But is there on this planet today another person such as Dr. Lind who can invite the Heads of all the Religions to convene and succeed with at least 95% of these? Has any other person ever been able to organize, cement together and inspire and lead a Universal Alliance of all the religions, fraternities, faiths and philosophies as Dr. Lind has been doing since 1922? What other man has commanded enough respect and deserved as much admiration and love from other people? We may consult history and we will not find a single one.  And this does not depend on what other people say about him. His whole life is splendorous monument of accomplishment that enriches human dignity and human conscience. Naturellement des gens d’une telle taille morale et si doués, ont toujours beaucoup d’ennemis, et ce ne sont pas les petites âmes de notre temps qui le comprendront ».

“Consistent with the thesis sustained by our Beloved Sister Miss Elsie Sanders I would say that Dr. Lind should be admitted in America or elsewhere as a Human Being for all what he is worth, that is integrally as he is, and this is the great Spiritual Guide of Mankind who is the president of the Universal Alliance, which is suprareligious in character. If he is good enough to be elected by the Official Delegations of hundred different religious, cultural, spiritualist, philosophical and Spiritual organizations, there is not a splitter of motive why he should not be recognized officially as the great religious Guide that he is unquestionably. He should be admitted as a REFUGEE in the first place so as to guaranty his independence from all political implications, and as a High Religious Official and Spiritual Guide of Mankind. To do otherwise means that we begrudge his merits”.

“Voilà ce qu’iI faut dire et bien clairement to ceux qui ne font que des promesses et de la rhétorique. Our Beloved Leader will not again make the simplest move to have his refugee situation solved through the UN and W.C. Service. He feels defrauded. Of this I am sure, as I know how he clings to his principles. So it is up to us His Disciples to do what is necessary. I know that he will not care to go to America begging his way there. The rabbit and wolf psychology do not apply to him. You know him well enough. He is meek, but he is not a man to be toyed with or to be fooled. He simply rejects falsehood and cannot stand insincerity”.

“In demande des documents pouvant que notre Vénéré Seigneur est un Guide Spirituel, Chef Religieux, c’est comique. Mais qu’ils aillent dans leurs archives et LISENT, LISENT, L I S E N T… Ils verront là des Messages, et encore des Messages adressés en leur temps soit á l’ONU (Secrétariat) au Conseil Économico Social, au Conseil des Droits Humains sans parler de toutes les lettres, télégrammes, etc. envoyés du monde entier pour demander notre libération de Cuba comme Missionnaires Culturels, Religieux et Spirituels. Depuis quand les Missionnaires ne sont pas des Ministres Religieux ??? Da faut-il qu’ils soient contresigner par le Pape pour qu’ils soient authentiques. Si nous en sommes là, alors nous devons proclamer que le monde est retourné au temps inquisitorial du Moyen Age et de la force brute. Et puisqu’ils ne savent pas prendre une décision -- dites leur de ma part de faire des photocopies de tous les documents qu´il y e dans les organismes énumérés ci-dessus et après de sélectionner ceux qui conviennent á Washington, ou qui que ce sait ».

“L’ONU appartient á l´Humanité, donc elle se doit á l’Humanité et c´est son devoir de faire ces choses, comme il faut. Quant á nous, n´avons plus ni la Foi, ni la Force, ni la Fortune pour continuer dans les efforts stériles et gâcher notre temps, et notre santé fabriquer des documents, des lettres, des rapports et répondre á des questionnaires inquisitoriales d’une longue kilométrique dépourvus de sens. Notre matière humaine exige maintenant de la PAIX et qu’on résolve nos problèmes sans trop avoir l´air qu´on se fiche de nous ».

“Nous avons la conscience bien tranquille comme le dit le Pr. Lind car nous avons passé notre vie entière á servir l’Humanité et nous l’avons même risquée á Cuba pour faire l’impossible pour lui conserver de Patrimoine culturel et Spirituel que maintenant on met en doute. Vous savez très bien que nous aurions pu nous éviter bien des souffrances á Cuba et partir comme taus dés les premiers mois de la Révolution si nous n’avions pas attaché notre responsabilité et notre conscience á ces archives qui nous avaient été confiés, á ce Patrimoine dont nous sommes les garants et dépositaires pour assurer le meilleur avenir á l´Humanité et conserver ce
maillon de l´Esprit, á travers les âges.  Si l´on vaut nous nier ce Patrimoine c’est surement qu’ils ont de bonnes raisons pour cela. Cela me fait penser á ces sauvages explorateurs chrétiens civilisateurs qui faisaient
sauter á la dynamite des trésors d’antiquité tant au Pérou que dans les iles du Pacifique, en Egypte et en Asie dans l’appât de trouver l’OR,... l’OR... une babillolle vendable, ou quelque chose qu’ils leur conviennent pour satisfaire leur vanité et désir de pouvoirs. Il y a des portes de la consciente qu’aucune dynamite ne peut faire sauter heureusement, et les vrais trésors spirituels, religieux et moraux sont bien gardés. Ceux qui ont déposé leur confiance en nous et nous les ont confiés connaissent notre stature morale et notre consistance ».

« J’espère que les deux dames, Miss Petluck et Miss Gould qui veulent nous aider ajouteront á leur gentillesse sociale un peu de compréhension de notre esprit ».

« Je vous embrasse, ma Chère Sonia, très fraternellement dans la Communion Spirituelle qui nous unit et vous dis á très bientôt avec le triomphe des cœurs purs et des âmes vraiment grandes »


The above mentioned quotations will give you a greater understanding of the whole situation. It is rather difficult in our world of matter and facts to raise our minds to Divine Principles and lofty and noble
Ideals which for some Individuals represent their common, daily Breath of Life.  To understand Prof.OM Lind and his Great Work needs an equally lofty and nobly elevated heart and mind.  Such persons have been forever
the elite of mankind, their Benefactors, Saviors, MEN that the world needs more than ever today. I repeat once more that helping and assisting Pr.OM Lind you will help all humanity.

Hoping to give you more useful information and documents in the nearest future, so as to solve as soon as possible the Visa problem of Pr. Lind.

Kindly receive my very best greetings and wishes.

Very sincerely yours,

Sophie Berg
Legal President
Universal Religious Alliance Inc.



Will you kindly refer to Mrs. Elsie Sanders´ consistent thesis.

Nous soulignons aussi de nouveau la recommandation á tous les organismes internationaux de LIRE les Messages, documents, et correspondances qu’ils ont reçus en leur temps, et aussi de leur dire le la part de Mlle Peurozet et de tous ceux qui le sentent ainsi qu’ils fassent des photocopies de tous ces documents qui reposent dans les archives de ces organismes sous diverses rubriques. Qu’ils sélectionnent ceux qui conviennent Washington, ou á qui que ce soit. Le tout pourrait être aussi transmis á la Troisième Commission de l’Assemblée Générale de I’ONU responsable de l’Accord contre les tortures, les traitements cruels, inhumains et dégradante, afin de les aider dans leurs travaux et amplifier ces nobles inquiétudes par—dessus tout surtout pour éviter les cruels jeux de mots et les belles promesses d’attention humanitaire vaines, les plaçant au premier rang des cruautés inadmissibles et traitement inhumain et dégradant tant pour celui qui les souffre que celui qui les fait souffrir.-. Nous demandons instamment de savoir QUI et QUELS ORGANISMES nationaux et internationaux prennent en charge l’investigation spontanée, même sans la plainte de la ou des victimes en vue d’ultérieure réparation. — Nous insistons spécialement pour savoir QUl ou QUEL ORGANISM PREND EN CHARGE ce service vis á vis de ceux qui précisément en ont, le plus besoin, ceux qui n’ont pu ou ne peuvent attendre des nations responsables la considération ni légale ni ‘humanitaire proposée, accordée, recommandée. Ceci s’il y a vraiment le propos et la décision déterminante d’aider et de résoudre les problèmes sans jouer avec eux ni avoir trop l’air qu’on se fiche de ceux qui les souffrent.

Notre matière humaine a besoin de vraie PAIX et nous aimerions savoir QUI prend vraiment ces accords au sérieux.

*  *  *

“PEACE, JUSTICE, BROTHERHOOD, LOVE, WISDOM, FREDOM are easily mentioned by foolish people. But no one should be deluded or misled. Such things cannot be discussed or obtained through compromises and bargains. FIRST, we must eradiate the causes of evil arid wickedness. Neither PEACE nor LOVE OR FREEDOM can rest en anything but true sincerity of purpose, righteousness, mutual respect, kindness, good will and noble-mindedness. As long as these are absent, denied or minimized it shall be futile, deceitful and disreputable to mention them. Let FIRST those who have stolen expoliated, murdered, lied cheated make due amend and PROVE that they can be trusted, believed, admired and loved thereupon.” Pr. OM Lind.



Chop and uproot the bad tree and plant an entirely new one”

Popular saying of the South Seas Islanders