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Devoid of dividing ditches and ominous walls, of caste, party or race, or hatred of rival cult and faith. We all live here in serenity,
in peaceful Brotherhood and contentment.
¡ Such is this noble achievement !
This model Parliament of Man and blessed Foundation of united Mankind!


We appreciate greatly your inquiry about the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE – BROTHERHOOD – COOPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH (of peaceful and truth loving People – United Mankind). 

We exist since 1919, by decision of the Grand Assembly of the World Congress of all the Religions, Fraternities and Spiritual Philosophies, and we have quietly prospered ever since. The recent world war wrought havoc in our organism like everywhere, and other incidents have been a terrible trial, yet we have proven worthy of our cause. So now we are trying to expand still more on the basis of Special Services and intense educational activities, coordinating our efforts and aspiration with the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS, HUMANIST, CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE, under whose aegis we have been able to develop until now.

Our fellowship is basically of a cultural  character, but it is none the less essentially fraternal and benevolent, all Member-Associates being collaborators in the great plan of improving human nature as well as world civilization and man’s planetary habitat.

Although many of our plans of the past are still in the stage of essay, we have great plans for the future. Of course, our activities depend entirely on the capacity of enthusiasm and endeavors of the Associate-Members. The GOLDEN RULE is our mainstay, and among us it is of vital significance to DO as much as to BE and to HAVE. Anyway, what is most important here is not to belong to the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE but, rather, to partake the dignity in its activities and succeed in its ennobling aspirations. Therefore, the more we give the more we obtain in mutual benefits.

Naturally, all our hopes rest on the qualifications and capacities of people. Our main pursuit in life consists in cultivating merits and attaining conditions of excellence in all our endeavors and aspirations.

Our past is our guaranty. Our present as well as our future depends on those roots of accomplishments and dignified responsibility which have characterized us. We plow not just newcomers, or belated repentents, or any way to prolongation of the failures and tragedies of the past. Indeed not, we are as clean and noble minded as the first day, and we mean to justify our whole existence by living uninterruptedly in concordance with the principles and ethical foundations which we initially adopted. Thus we have a record, and we belong to history in a most admirable and glorious manner. Moreover, we have succeeded in giving at all time good examples, and our respectability is our best institutional definition, because it is what makes us so admired and loved by millions of people in all the latitudes of the world. “By their fruits shall you know them” exclaim Lao Tseu, and the Holy Scriptures emphasize.

The Universal Religious, Humanist, Cultural and Spiritual Alliance strives since over a century – with undeniable success, fortunately, to render peacemaking, tolerance and mutual assistance really effective among the numerous religious, benevolent, fraternal, masonic, spiritualist, humanist, artistic, philosophical and scientific research Societies. As for the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE – BROTHERHOOD -  COOPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH of Peaceful and Truth Loving People, it has the very same motives and aims, yet it is quite different because it establishes the peaceful fellowship´(companionship) of travelers of the universe. That is why Associate-Members are considered as Universian Brethren and partners, universal is sprit as well as in ideals and accomplishments.

Now which of the best or most commendable things about the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE deserves most to be mentioned? This is, rather difficult to determine, for it is just as good to be fit for a healthy, prosperous and happy life as to have a wonderful world to live in, or to find wholesome people and good friends everywhere, - and that is precisely what all Associate –Members contribute toward and achieve to a great extent. Is this worthwhile living for? Is it sufficient a justification as ideal to lice up to? Here is no doubt or adventure well worth trying.

The dignity and the joy and magnificence of being co-owner of all the Realm of Spiritual Values should mean something to YOU. Why be an “out off”, an “outcast” or an “impotent and sterile victim of fate”? Here in the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE we all have the sensation of being really important, of occupying a significant place in the fabulous  universal wholeness. To begin with it  means self – integration, then a noble companionship with the greatest souls the world has ever known. Should this marvelous prospect appeal to YOU, we may consider yourself lucky, and we welcome wholeheartedly your collaboration.

As  already hinted, we have a great task to accomplish, upon ourselves and to the benefit of all mankind as well as to the advantage of the entire universe. No single organization of any kind or person of higher most qualifications have ever fulfilled such a task, but in a noble undertaking by different people UNITED heart and soul as well as with head and hands, we are absolutely positive about the outcome of our ennobling endeavors. A better mankind means less wars, strive, hatred, violence and cruelty around and upon ourselves, but above all it spells greater fitness for mental conquests and genuine happiness hereunder.

We realize perfectly well that critics abound all around us, many of them just doubtful Thomas’s, and others intent only on antagonizing us and wishing to destroy our work. But the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE is certainly not for this kind of individuals. It is reserved solely for those who know that no one has the right to criticize unless he or she has done the best to make an ideal – the oldest one of mankind this case – a  living proposition. It is rather easy to destroys or criticize; but to build and to deserve life’s very best requires much painstaking efforts and sacrifices as this is the price we all  have to pay for success and happiness.

The advantage of Membership is given in the Contract, and the conditions appear in the Application Form A-Z. It is now your privilege to make the choice, and to take advantage of the unique opportunity which is now afforded to you.


The Universal Alliance is neither a faith, a religion, a fad, nor the private property of any person, sect or group in particular. It is well above all such limitations – being integrated by people of all creeds, races, nationalities, social conditions and proven capacities, regardless of sex or age, and it is the only one that has championed world peace, integral assistance ant protection to refugees, the rights of minorities, and the respect to the dignity of human personality for well over forty years (one hundred years today) consecutively without ever defaulting or incurring in irresponsible actions and pronouncements.

Now remember, the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE is what we made it, and like God, Truth and the GOLDEN RULE it is to be found wherever it may be. Still, it takes a stout soul and sincere heart to resolve to do good and to undertake to improve one’s own personality and destiny.

The human material – you and me – is, of course, noble and of glorious destiny. But it often happens to be unseeingly deteriorated, distorted and  decomposed in many cases, such as in immoral brutes, intolerant ghouls, viperous blasts, vicious sadists, irrepressible fanatics and beastly criminals whom it is quite difficult to love, admire or even help. Even when people are sick and unhappy they are far from being themselves, or dignified individuals, so it becomes impossible to them to be authentic and respectable Citizens of the Universe.

Now, aside of this basic complexity, there is the problem of Human Potential. We know for sure that all individuals are by birthright equally endowed and have equal opportunities to live, as well as identical ultimate rights and finality; but whether we be genius or not difficult to discover that people are seldom at their best, or even self-integrated, and really deservant of a site of honor amidst the grand eternal-universal realm of nature. Indeed, however of a site of honor amidst the grand people to be good and educate them, and to make this world an emporium of peace, righteousness, prosperity and happiness for all, too many individuals remain refractory and ominously antagonistic, such as is the case with inadaptables, retrogrades, impervious morons, crude masters of violence, criminals, antisocial characters at heart, and when people are entrenched in absolutist doctrinal citadels or boosted in fortified religious totalitarianism. Then, obviously, the Human Potential is direly discredited, or so diluted with false pretense, wrong thinking and overt designs that it is eclipsed, banished or disqualified. Nevertheless, it can be cultivated and developed, so that a positive Human Capital may arise and prove all the magnificence or the merits which human nature is susceptible of attaining by way of virtues of the heart, moral qualities, mental projection, soul character and spiritual excellence of power.

This is why  we insist on laying the foundations of the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE with an adequate educational processing of self-effort, auto conditioning and  self projection. In the measure that this be successful, naturally, the world shall no longer be periodically in the throes of satanic warfare, or constantly marooned by vicious cultists and improvised automats of material violence, mental nullity and spiritual void. The whole world would, in fact, be promptly an emporium  of peace and genial humaneness if our Courses of Study and all the benefits of Membership of the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE were extended to more people all over this planet. That is why we are now trying to convey our viewpoints and designs to the more congenial and understanding public.

The record of the WORLD MUSEUM OF THE LIVING HISTORY OF MANKIND is also alive in the world-wide Permanent Prayer and Meditation for Healing, Universal Brotherhood and Spiritual Communion as well as in the dynamic and vibrant Permanent World Congress of all the Religions, Fraternities and Philosophies and our World University of Scientific Spiritual Synthesis, and what is more in our noteworthy designs toward enhancing the dignity of impressive excellence in human qualities and endeavors, and never diminished or befuddled aristocracy of intelligence and spiritual noblesse in the course of historic events, which have all in all made more possible the pursuit of  human perfection and happiness as well as the Pronouncement of the Grand Special Spiritual Renaissance.

Text barrowed from the Pronouncement of the Grand Special Assembly of New York, 1949

Indeed, we have afforded numerous motives for imitation, yet we have remained without substitute, both in the manner of noble leadership and in the primacy of spiritual values.