Visto: 4162



London, 10th of October, 1960

Illustrious Sir,

Our world-wide educational, fraternal, and benevolent organization, now over half a century old and integrated by a great sector of humanity has justified itself by means of a unique historic record of effective endeavors in time of war as well as of peace, proving itself as the greatest Brotherhood-Commonwealth that ever existed. It is a well known fact, naturally, that we are eager to contribute to ward the solution  of international problems at large as well as those of human individuals in particular. Today, we must express our great concern over the turn of events at the UNITED NATIONS´ General Assembly which is now in session.

In fact, the UNITED NATIONS is proving direly ineffective, either because it is unwilling or incapable of facing squarely conflicts an dealing adequately with international problems. Problems such a those of Laos, Tibet and Congo are not only baffling but ominous omens of what may yet be the lot of all smaller nations. That of Cuba is simply exasperating, as it would seem that the UNITED NATIONS needs to see a nation completely razed by means of airplane bombing, or invaded by huge ultramodern armies murdering untold numbers of people ere considering it “attacked” by another mighty nation, and the Costa Rica “show” as well as the new turn of events characterized by the embargos on Cuban trade should be serious warnings that deserve to be considered as acts of aggressive enmity which certainly constitute a great menace to world peace.

The cases of Algeria and Cuba must need to be duly  considered by the nations of the whole world, even if the UNITED NATIONS continues to be refractory in dwelling on them, as the tragic plight of the se countries may yet be that of many other nations in other latitudes of the planet, besides the fact that any insistence on ignoring it at the UNITED NATIONS is an obvious contribution toward making it still more feasible and monstrously tragical, that is an act or attitude of overt complicity. Indeed, the ordeal of theses two communities may  continue to be silenced by  the New Agencies which monopolize information in the supposedly free and democratic world, and even though it does not spell like Korea and Spain it terribly resembles these modern forms savage carnage, which are a far cry from true “democracy”. The case here is not to impose a Sygman Rhee, a De Gaulle, a Frondizi a Shiang kai Sheck, a Mobutu, or any new “democratic” despot, but the method is ominously identical and the results are fatidically the same.

Algeria, which was brutally conquered by France in 1830, was never a willing victim, and suffered the serfdom with fortitude and dignity even in the face of cynical exploitation and genocide actions until she could wage a war of attrition against her so called civilizers and pacifiers. This war is now entering its seventh year, as the mighty French war machinery has been unable to defeat the will of a people which loathes the monstrosities of vicious colonialism, and heartily seeks self-determination and a way of life of freedom and peace with dignity, with the will  to perish for its  noble ideals. As for Cuba, she was first placed in the disjunctive of being a perennial colony or starve, and now she must either accept all sympathetical and friendly gestures, or de assassinated. This sort of choice for FREEDOM and decision to DIE RATHER THAN BE EXPLOTED AND SUJECTED is only natural, as when duly enlightened, no one can reasonably love to be enslaved, maltreated and exploited.

Unfortunately, however, the profound human drama of Algeria and Cuba may yet develop into a new experiment like those of Spain and Korea, and we remain askance as to why the great idealistic nations and the mightier religions do nothing to thwart such hellish designs and vandalisms methods.

We contend that it is the responsibility  of all the members of the UNITED NATIONS to act forthwith, and rightly, ere it is too late. A no-man’s-land in Algeria or Cuba would mean today more than a repetition of the experiments of Spain and Korea, as these countries are the seat of great social essays to solve world evils and ills which can only be to the advantage of all the countries, because of their supremely humanitarian significance. What is more, if the UNITED NATIONS does not act promptly, the more respectable and humanitarian, cultivated and truly spiritual nations must forthwith take action separately, not precisely to send troops to assist the Algerian and Cuban people to defend their right to live as they  prefer, or to survive as an autonomous sovereign nation, but, rather, to render the principles upon which the UNITED NATIONS rests and the ideals for which it was created REALLY EFECTIVE. And should the UNITED NATIONS persist in refusing to accomplish its wonderful mission, an entirely new organism should be forthwith established.

We would say that a degenerate and agonizing UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION that fails in Egypt and Korea, slips away in cases such as those of Indochina and Tibet, bungles in Israel and Congo, or ominously ignores the cases of Algeria and Cuba is much like a Church that eludes to outlaw war, abhors avoiding opportunities to bless gangsters, criminals, rogues an devilishly aggressive nations, refuses to condemn vile political oppression, and avoids to hurts the feelings and molest the displicence of monstrous dictators which amply contribute to its financial status. Or is it like the know-it-all irresponsible witchcraft-doctors and astrologists who can predict anything except their own doom, and have good formulas for everyone’s problem except for their own?

The UNIVERSAL HUMANIST, CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE (Ex-UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE) has addressed recently important documents to the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION and also to the heads of all the nations in particular. Copies of these were widely diffused throughout the whole world, and by means or the NEW AGE PRESS SERVICE.

Today we would like to submit to your consideration our plan to rescue mankind from the annihilating tragedy of a wanton world-war, which is now obviously in the making on two fronts, namely, Algeria and Cuba. We cannot submit it directly at the UNITED NATIONS “General Assembly, not being a member nation, so we have thought that several nations could present this document at the UNITED NATIONS “General Assembly without delay, among them Nepal, Ceylon, Guinea, Turkey, Indonesia, Denmark, Austria, and Brazil, being communities which seem earnestly interested in living up to their cherished humanitarian ideals, cultural designs, and spiritual values. Nevertheless, we do not mind retaining the full moral and spiritual responsibility for it.

What we propose is to establish forthwith a new organization of UNITED NATIONS, but without any sort of prejudice, strife, or self-righteousness on the par of the component members, and very especially without the least tinge of POLITICS.

We further contend that the division of world in East and West, Communism and “Representative Democracy” or “Yonder the iron curtain” and “ within the realm of Divinely inspired Christendom” is, today us ridiculous and preposterous as to seek to divide oceans, or to establish political frontiers on the Milky Way. The WORLD IS ONE AND INDIVISIBLE, indeed, mainly because ideas are unfettered, whether we care to admit it or not, and all doctrines based on propaganda can stand only as long as the world remains without an adequate system or communication, or for so long as people can be maintained in mental subservience and or ignorance. If “democracy” were only o little less domineering and self-righteous humanity might begin to be really free, and the world would no doubt be open for peaceful co-existence, or brotherly collaboration on a basis of mutual respect and reciprocally beneficent.

We are absolutely certain that, in reality, there is only ONE WORLD for HUMANITY, because human feelings, human conscience, human yearnings and human ideals are unequivocally ONE, although tentatively sectioned and disarticulated by stupid political interests, idiotic religious prejudice, supercilious social pride, foul racial discrimination, and economic zones owned or managed by international cartels and monopolies, plus super duper colonial rackets, and imperialistic hegemonistic complexes run by ruthless military masterminds which hypnotize and systematically brain-wash the masses with their deceitful propaganda. But despite all these exclusive partitions of the world by delusory ideologies and selective organizations of pride and vanity currently known as faiths mankind remains ONE in dignity, in moral designs, and in spiritual values. The ideals of all people are of PEACE and BROTHERHOOD, not war, or supernational politics and supranatural partisanship or sectarianism. People are war-weary, and utterly disgusted with the vain displicence of the UNITED NATIONS, and just as willing to empty all the temples if the religions and the better leaders of the world have nothing better to offer than the tragedy and mess of economic-social problems of materialistic civilization. The people of the whole world are eager for righteousness, friendliness, peace and Brotherhood, and they would be enjoying them if it were not for the sectarian exclusivists and the dividing and trouble-making politicians of all the latitudes. In fact, if a plebiscite were made among all the people of the world to find out their preference about nationality and polities, there would be more sans patrie, conscientious objectors, refugees and political exiles than anything else on this planet. Mankind is UNITED at heart, in yearning for well being, and in the need for peace and self-respect. It is well nigh time that sectarians and politicians should realize that. Then if all idealists and good people must be vilified and called “reds” let it be at that, but it is not by calling the wolf too often and for no reason at all that the problems of the world will be solved. What the bulk of mankind seeks after is PEACE, FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE, SELF RESPECT, ECONOMIC SECURITY, SOCIAL DIGNITY and GENUINE BROHERHOOD, and those who can guaranty such conquests will be hailed as real saviors of humanity, whatever their name or their faith may be.

Our mainstay, obviously, is the eradication of the curse or the world, POLITICS, which includes secret diplomacy, power policies, scheming imperialism and colonialism, economic zones, ruthless cartels and monopolies etc, etc. Nations should keep their own brand of politics to their own, if they have any, without trying to either export or impose it on the outside. National sovereignty must mean something definite, and it must respect if it wants to be respected, help if it wants to be helped, and honor if it wants to be honored.

One of the greatest problems to be tackled without delay, as it is fundamental and possibly the basic one in modern life, is that of economy. A WORLD ECONOMY must  established, without tampering with the local economy of independent nations, and respecting the vital conditions of human life, that is HUMAN CONSCIENCE, HUMAN FEELINGS, HUMAN CREATIVE THINKING, HUMAN INITIATIVE, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, HUMAN CAPACITY FOR EXCELLENCE  AND ELITE, and last but not least, THE DIGNITY OF HUMAN PERSONALITY. Neither integral regimentation nor the systematical denial of the spiritual values upon which rests and evolves human life, or the fatidical exploitation of man by man can solve human problems and eradicate from the world the numerous ills and evils which derive from human deficiencies as well from social injustice and the exactions or infamies of individuals themselves. Money, intrinsically speaking, is known to have been the cause of vice, social parasitism, stealing, crimes, political unscrupulousness, the devilish infamy of  colonialism, and the monstrosities of war. Something should be done about this, so that human life may not be permanently at the mercy of Money-mad schemers and unscrupulous Money-hoarders, and the UNIVERSAL HUMANIST, CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE has in mind an essay in human dignification whereby a World Money or legal tender could be established as general currency, granted by a World Trust Fund created by the accumulation of a certain percentage of the economies made through the suppression of militarism and war implements contributed by all the nations, as well as by means of donations and bequests of its Members throughout the world.

The respect of life and the guaranty to the dignity of human personality imply at once the sacredness of human integrity and a noble finality of human existence, free from whatever sort of serfdom whether mystical, political, or economical, as freedom is the essential condition of life within the bounds of sound reasoning and natural laws which must be respected and furthered by All, and justified by accomplished mutual respect, mutual assistance and mutual protection, or solidarity and mutual dignification. All this is, in fact, what we imply when we speak of  suppressing all the armed forces, as they are a constant menace to human nature and world peace. Only a certain percentage of military forces could be kept in each country, in accord with the size population, but internationalized and exclusively for International Police, under the authority and responsibility of the Permanent World Congress of Man, whose decisions are inapellable being the consensus of THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.  Consequently, all War or Defense Ministries, all armed forces and all war implements shall be thus instantly transformed by their owners (nations) into industrial machinery, or converted into scrap or the industrial mills in the interest of THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. All the monies resulting from this PEACE ECONOMY would forthwith revert to public or government managed utilities so as to GIVE homes to all people, afford free HOSPITAL to sick people, create new elementary and scientific training Schools as well as Universities to afford free tuition and learning to all people who may want it, and to lower the living costs as well as raise the living standard of all the citizens of the whole world.

We refer in our Plan or Agreement, to a “SPIRITUAL union” of respectable nations. The word SPIRITUAL might frighten some rugged positivistic doctrinaires, so it may be substituted at will for the sake of true friendship and understanding among all people of goodwill and sincerely inspired. In fact the whole document is only schematic, and can be considered only as a Minute Agreement, upon which we may work thereupon without delay. The word “Spiritual” may perhaps be substituted by “Enlightened”, “Wholesome”, “Sagacious”, “Respectable”. “Brotherly”, “Noble”. “Co-operative”, “Friendly”, or “Dignified”, if any adjective is required at all to suit one’s whim, nevertheless, let us be sincere and frank. No document is worth more than the goodwill, earnestness, dignity and decision of action or accomplishment that it carries, so our Agreement as presented is as good as any other. No time should be lost in vain meticulosities if  we are really sincere and earnest in our designs. In this respect, we might say that even the Code of Hammarubi of Chaldea, the Norm of Love and Righteousness of MelchiTsedeq, the GOLDEN RULE, the Book of the Dead of the Tibetans and the Egyptians of yore, the Mosaic Commandments, the Sermon of Benares of the Lord Budha, the Golden Rhymes of Pythagoras the Codes of Gilgamesh and Manu, and the Christian Commandments would have since long proven effective if those with the obligation to abide by them had really respected them. Besides, with due respect to all those concerned, this sense of genuine ethics would have the advantage of avoiding the existence of such ominous and scandalous international outfits like the NATO and the OAS not to mention others which are equally inhuman and antidemocratic as well as essentially in contradiction to the spirits and the letter of the Charter of Human Rights, the Atlantic Charter and the UNITED NATIONS Charter.

The significance of a new UNITY of nations, specifically without politics and fundamentally for the purpose of solving world problems incontinenti, without sacrificing the interests of all humanity on the altar of the false deities of selfish nations or unreasonable imperialism, is possibly the only recourse today. It is not possible to continue ad eternam ruled by military politics and systematically over-ruled by lobbying inconfessable interests. Humanity must usher in a better way of friendly international collaboration and humanistic relations, as we so fervently recommend.

It cannot fit in our mind that nations like China, Germany, Tibet, Algeria and Mongolia, among others, should not have an active part in a genuine concert of respectable nations of the whole world, as not only  their existence is unquestionable but their contributions can be of such immense benefit to all humanity. It is about time that nations and people cease to be thrust about by unruly passions, or ruled by means of religious fetishism and taboos, or irresponsible and ruthless politicians. In this respect, the present UNITED NATIONS has some Members which really deserve little to be considered as such, due to their dictatorial character and their “representative democracy” of ruthless and barbarian tyrannical militarism that constitute monuments of shame to humanity. The contribution of such entities can only be cynical and devilish to the utmost. Other nations like Bhutan, Switzerland, Korea, Vietnam, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and other semi autonomous kingdoms of Central Africa and Asia might also be taken into consideration, as they also have the right to the benefits of sound democracy and genuine humanism, were it only to protect them from the depredations of their more powerful military neighbors. The great miracle needed here is one of genuine UNDERSTANDING, WILLINGNESS, and HUMAN SOLIDARITY, and this will not be possible as long as people fear criticism, or are afraid of being practical with originality, or cannot realize the importance of true co-operation an effective human goodwill.

With or without the UNITED NATIONS organization, the world must continue to evolve, and mankind must survive without the curse of domineering and scheming politics, but with dignity, freedom, and peace. Are you with us for such an infinite and truly dignifying HUMANISM?

In connection with the continued operations of the PERMANENT WORLD CONGRESS OF MAN, now still purely a private undertaking, it should be transposed to the new fashioned non-political Union of Respectable Nations, although continuing to function separately yet coordinately and mutually complementing. The Nations must have their own international statal forum for friendly relations, cultural exchange and trade, but THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD also must remain free to think an dwell on problems and enjoy the power and authority to legislate on an international basis and with a universal spirit, as well as to inform the nations at large about the needs, yearnings and demands of mankind. In other words, the new United Nations would be an official Lower House, whilst the CONGRESS OF MAM would be, rather, the Senate or Upper House, as the rights and the dignity of Man are above those of organizations and institutions.

It could not be out of place to mention here the fact that the bulk of world problems is a product of excessive power concentrated on financial complexes, of which the world knows at least six that are the real cause of all international conflicts. It is, in fact, a conspicuous form of deceit to claim that there is a clash between two great political philosophies, namely, Capitalism and Communism.  In reality, Communism is as capitalistic as Capitalism is communistic, insofar as interests are involved. Such events as the “bush fires” of Congo, Laos and Algeria are as related to the serious interests which underlay tragedy of Cuba, as the spirit of lust and the might of finance behind them are the very some, whether the bon-holder are of Wall Street, Moscow, Pekin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, or the Vatican. No nation struggles or seeks to conquer and colonize merely for the fun of it, and a Bank is a Bank no matter in which country or under what fag it operates. Money has no nationality, no faith, no race, and no ideology. What is more it is good for in terms of business or of what it can either create, buy, destroy, or glorify. The real WORLD WAR is characterized by these potentialities, and in these cases communists are not different from capitalists, or Americans from Chinese and Andorrans. Money alone is the ruler. But it is not possible that humanity be eternally the VICTIM of this monstrous creation of man, which is the real reflection of heartless and soulless human being who cannot even realize that they are the victims of their own pathological and delinquent-psychosis. Definitely, human beings must be restored to sanity, and the dignity and destiny of our species must once for all be structured on a way of life and vital means which further universal economy, not the private interests of ruthless lust-minded blocks and sinister financiers. When and if the destiny of mankind lays in a genuine Share – the – Wealth way of life or Worldwide brotherhood –Commonwealth of Man as we uphold and purport, excessive hoarded – wealth shall no longer be lustful, and wars will be impossible.

It is currently claimed that the stupid problem and undeclared war of Cuba due to Washington bungling costs the American tax – payers no less than three Million Dollars (US$3.000.000.oo) per day, and that the war of Algeria demands from the French nation, besides the numerous invaluable casualties, five millions six hundred thousand dollar (US$5.600.000,oo) daily, during six long years. With such huge sums, France could have repatriated all her metropolitan citizens and given them well implemented farms and homes in a single year. As for America, the Cuban adventure would suffice to give a respectable home and raise the living standard of all her Indian and colored citizens for good and ever. These examples should illustrate well enough what could be done in behalf of mankind if some unscrupulous politicians did not exist, or were shorn of their vicious power to decide in national and world affairs. As for the UNITED NATIONS, it costs hundred of millions of Dollars each year to function and for the upkeep of Official Delegations from all the latitudes of the world, the which could suffice equally to  amply feed, clothe, shelter, and educate the increasing number of War Refugees of the whole planet if better utilized. If we add to these staggering figures the cost of Defense or war machineries throughout the world to keep up or “save” the specious democracies of this planet, indeed, all presently living human individuals could be guaranteed a decent home, an adequate modicum of education, and a standard of respectable existence. Intelligent thinking should lead people to a more constructive way of life, if what is sought is excellence of accomplishments and genuine dignity for human personality.

What remains to be seen now is whether some nations will be reasonable enough to make Money the  SERVANT, not the SLAVE-DRIVER, VILLIFIER and WAR MONGER of humanity. Let us all JOIN in Human Consciousness and Dignity, and prove to the whole wide world that MONEY is a sinister power and devilish creation when it is not a means of human rehabilitation and the  universal glorification of spiritual values, which sell Peace, Righteousness, Freedom and Brotherhood of Man. No amount of Wealth is really respectable, or even human if it is not galvanized and catalyzed by moral designs and spiritual values, which are really universal and eternal. Therefore, more than “local”,  “zone” and “private” wealth, what mankind needs is a WORLD MONEY, and a true UNIVERSAL COMMONWALTH as we propound.

Most of the great problems of the world would be instantly solved, if only leading statesmen were better prepared to behave ethically and to be on the side of morality rather than on that of the lust for power. The tragedy of Algeria, for instance, would soon be erased if our proposal of a new UNITED NATIONS is accepted, as then France and her allies of the NATO which furnish arms and dollars would lose their trade altogether, and a better trading system would develop among the now economically underdeveloped nations, which would also promote in them a gigantic industrial habilitation, with the corresponding social and cultural projections. Cuba also could laugh at all the embargos dictated against her, and the results would be more lamentable to those who whip them up than to anybody else. As a whole, the world would change face entirely, for the better, because the smaller nations could create a mighty compact whole which could offset all the treacherous schemes of present-day international politics. The real underlying problems would also be solved, as morality would be again in favor among human beings, and this is  much needed to enthrone the fantastic power or material progress which transforms people into robots. There has been too much scientific progress, with too much related development of wealth, while there has been too little real cultural development, and the human individual has forgotten the vital elements of morality, sound ethics, and eternal spiritual values.

Each day that passes the whole world sees its hopes in the UNITED NATIONS shattered, and its trust decreases more and more. As for the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE, the least we can say is that the UNITED NATIONS has lost all prestige and dignity due to its failure to solve problems and its constant postponement of pronouncement when vital issues are at stake. Under such a predicament, it is definitely an obstacle to World Peace, an antithesis to true democracy, and an antagonist force at work against the Brotherhood of Man and the better interests of all the People and Nations.

Immediate action is imperious, because the present impasse and lack or efficiency or efficacy of the UNITED NATIONS only emphasizes a denial as well as a treason to the noble ideals of World Peace and Universal Brotherhood of Man, for all standing problems increase in size and power. To delay a valid solution as proposed by the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE, therefore, could only mean utter indifference, or a guilty complicity.  While it is true that our proposal can mean an authentic division of the world it would also imply a definite moral and spiritual UNITY of mankind against the vicious systems of political oppression an secret diplomacy schemers, and all the social injustice and economic exploitation due to almighty financial cartels and industrial monopolies which are responsible for all colonialism an imperialism, or war sprit.

May we press you to promote the expressed good cause, and contribute in a very practical manner toward the prompt realization of mankind’s most profound yearnings? The world needs peace, and all mankind is war-weary. The people of the whole world demand a new form of civilization which does not rest on economic subjections, police repression and political oppression, and desperately wants a form of life that does not depend on the fear or on the outcome of nuclear weapons and wars of attrition.

The UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE believes more in the moral attitude and the spiritual values than in the outcome of cannons and electronic missiles. But, we wonder if many people will have the courage to made a stand with us against the evil forces and dark organizations which insist on owning the world by way ominous violence, idiotic arrogance, and devilish foolishness.

We feel convinced that your country will instantly collaborate, and it will be to its own advantage, as well as a great merit for having had the courage to take the lead in such a noble endeavor, regardless of the outcomes of this generous effort, as the ideals cannot die, and even if our Plan fails another shall immediately arise, for the problems of mankind must need be solved whether the enemies of Righteousness, Human Dignity and Brotherhood, and World Peace like it or not.

The truth is sometimes hard to bear, but we do not mean to be insolent when we speak openly. We entertain neither ill-will nor malice toward none, and we profoundly abhor all formulas which avoid direct and final solutions. We do not take sides, either, as we cannot be PRO or ANTI any nation or faith, being above all, in conditionally and indivisibly for the peace, the welfare, the enlightenment and the happiness of all HUMANITY indiscriminately.

We also believe, in fact, that no religion, faith or philosophy whatever is really worth its salt if it does not immediately solve world problems and if it does not promote world peace and the Brotherhood of Man above all else and regardless of dogmas, doctrines and traditions. What is more, we would willingly and heartily endure the worse lot if it were necessary to prove our contentions, and to accomplish the ideals and fulfill the rights of human conscience.

Time presses. A world war is about to burst anywhere, perhaps in Congo, in France, or in the Middle East, and international conditions may make such cataclysm more than simply a new experiment like those of Korea and Spain, as secret forces are maneuvering to capture the whole human species in the name of a specious deity of peace and heavenly bliss. A serious decision must be reached by all respectable nations without delay.

Trusting to hear favorably from your government, and hoping that your country will not deceive us in this great adventure by ignoring our pleas and letting us fight all alone on this historic journey of human dignity, we remain,

Sincerely, for concord among all people and peace all over the world.

Cristobal Zapata Troncoso                                             Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig
Legal President of  the                                                    President of the World Board of Patrons


(Ex-Universal Religious Alliance)

Blanche Ledran d´Olmes                                                                Carlos Parrau

Grand Chancellor                                                           Legal president: PERMANENT


Micheline Héraud de Molay                                             Marcelline Peurozet de Maurey
Secretary General: WORLD SUPREME                          Secretary General: WORLD CITIZENS´