Visto: 4435




Humanitarian, rehabilitating, benevolent, philanthropic, cultural, protective and Spiritual Order
and World-Wide Confederation




The below signatory, Officials:
Organized legally with the following purposes:
By virtue of the powers that grant us our Statutes and Official Regulations, we declare that:

-----Our organization is stuck to the religion:

and to the political platform:

---- ----Our organization neither prefers, neither it favors, neither it sustains any church or political party in particular, however she adheres to the Divine Laws and Universal Principles and it cultivates the respect of the Relationship of the Kindness-Compassionate one and of the healthy life as bridge of the genuine values religious.

We have ___________ members and branches of activities in the following countries:


We hereby state our unconformity with the present world conditions where veiled yet effective Church intolerance, prejudice and persecution prevails aggravated by unrestricted political graft and corruption; arbitrary government and unvoiced yet real regimentation and dictatorship; syndical tyranny; social discrimination; effete and dissolute morals; ideological chaos and superciliousness; decay of religious qualities; delusive and often emasculating and perverting system of education; spiritual desecration and inversion of values, and, last but not least, serfdom and insecurity under a monstrous materialistic system of economy which is legally recommended and enforced by all political organizations as well as tolerated by religion.


We claim as absolutely necessary the establishment of a World-wide BROTHERHOOD and COMMONWEALTH of PEACEFUL and FREE PEOPLE; provide humane treatment to all people alike with absolute right to welfare, freedom, peace, place, sex, race, age, nationality or beliefs; proclaim in a decisive and final manner the outlawing of war, crooked politics, religious totalitarianism, organized vice and gangsterism; make impossible the formation of international cartels; proceed to create a sound and humanistic system of economic security and welfare for all; declare the world free for travel and residence to all peaceful and honest citizens; establish a way of life without enslaving taxation and payment of interest, rent and wages; emphatically and cheerfully declare peace on all people and devotedly cultivate friendship, practice kindness and inspire peacefulness toward all; render the curse of anti-spiritual communism and socialistic dictatorship impossible by eradicating the evils, that make them possible, such as poverty, economic insolvency, social injustice, religious persecution, hunger, and political regimentation; create forthwith a substitute for MONEY, issuing a World Commodity Tender (non-interest bearing, controlled, personal in effect and non-heardable) so as to facilitate world-trade and prevent wars and all the evils of materialistic economics; grant Credit to those who need and deserve it; guarantee freedom of thought and worship; and guarantee a way of life in freedom, peace and well-being to all people according to their own conscience and better judgment.


We further affirm our wish and will to enjoy a better environment and to have a better opportunity to live according to our Faith, in concordance with the principles, ideals and tenets propounded by the UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM OF THE GOLDEN RULE, and we believe that we could really fulfill our aims in life if we enjoyed a special Status of Freedom in some chosen Settlement exclusively dedicated to us for the aforesaid purposes and principles.

We likewise seek a special free Status of EXTRANATIONALITY and EXTRATERRITORIALITY so as to enable wholesome and respectable people to live-up to their own standards and in keeping with their own conscience, since Universal Principles as avowed here are not readily accepted or respected everywhere.

There should be WELFARE and ECONOMIC SECURITY for all, and a safe haven for the victims of secret Klans, International Cartels, Church persecution and exiles, maltreated minorities, sans patrie, social ostraciees and refugees to whom, freedom, respect, peace and the pursuit of happiness are denied elsewhere.

We know, indeed, that these conditions cannot exist in countries where people are subject economic serfdom, religious prejudice and social discrimination, where people are thus enslaved and concerted into tortured wretches under the shadow of sacred ideals.


Consequently we petition the Officials of our Country, these of the UNITED NATIONS as well as these all free and peaceful countries to heed our yearnings and designs, and to assist Mankind in reaching such wonderful conquests as expressed here.


We adhere to the aforesaid Universal Principles and humanistic ideals propounded by the UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM, above and regardless of implications of name, race, faith, title or nationality of those who uphold and honor such beliefs and hereby pledge ourselves to work heartily and conscientiously toward the better fulfillment of these noble principles end aims.

We pledge our best endeavors and our constant will, as well as the regular contributions in strength and assets within our possibilities and as we spontaneously decide, toward the prompt fulfillment of these matchless ideals and undelayable humanistic and Spiritual realizations.

Place and Date:


General Secretary                                        President

Signatures and Official Seals



It is requested to fill the spaces in white and to authenticate the signatures and seals. To be sent this document by air mail or email, to anyone of the following addresses. You can also consult the Centers Luminaries registered in several countries of the world.

Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig Foundation
Apartado Postal 126 - Barcelona 08080 – ESPAÑA
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Ing. Luis Eduardo Sierra S. 
Pdte. Mesa Directiva Alianza Universal
A.A.81488 Envigado – Antioquia - COLOMBIA
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Universal Holy Realm and Universal Religious Alliance
c-o Mrs. Aura  E. Fountain. P.O Box 4293
Grand Central Station
New York - N.Y. 10163 - 4293.  U.S.A.

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Calistrato Mauricio de Macedo
Pdte. Junta Gobierno Alianza Universal
Rua Silva Jardim 310
Petrópolis - RJ. CEP 25.615-200 --- Brasil
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