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“He made a circle to exclude me; heratic I was, a thing to flout.  But LOVE and I decided to win.  We made a greater circle to include him" Edwin Markam

As a whole the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE spells sincere and practical if effective COOPERATION among people of all the different Religions, Faiths, Ideals and Philosophies. People are NOT expected to change their concepts and feelings, or their mind and conscience, but, rather, to COLLABORATE, as best as they can, toward the realization of a Human Dignity and aspirations which all have in common and hold as really sacred. Here, of course, there is no bragging to be done, and nobody is expected to yield to anybody else.

Duly elected Officers fulfill the different tasks of management not as self-righteous dictators but in the spirit of the GOLDEN RULE of the sages of all the ages. Nobody among us professes to be either superior or perfect, and what is more, everybody has the absolute right to his own criterion or beliefs so long as he respects those of others.  Real PEACE begins only when there is genuine FREEDOM and JUSTICE, which are possible only when there is authentic RIGHTEOUSNESS and MUTUAL RESPECT.  Mutual Respect of course, spells Peace, and among us it reaches greater dimensions in Mutual Assistance and Mutual Protection.

But there is much more to the UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE, which is somehow hinted when we realize that great souls like Thomas Blake, Havelock Hellis, G. Carpenter, Thomas A. Edison, H.P. Blavatsky, T. Mann, Anatole France, Anagarika Dhammapala, Tai Hsu, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Dr. Alexis Carrel, Gardner Hunting, Victor Magnien, Prof. E. Westermarck, Dr. Charles Singer, Pr. Albert Marie, Prof. Frank H. Hankins, Swami Brahmananda, Dr. G.Tamakura, Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig, H.G. Wells, William James, Dr. Macpherson Lawrie, Lord Bulwer Lytton, Frank Buck, Leon Tolstoy, Maharishi Dorsaku, Cardinal Mercier, Prof. Albert Einstein, The High Priest of Rewa, Maurice Magre, Maurice Maeterlinck, René Grousset, Leon Denis, The Gaekwar of Kapurtala, king Louis II of Bavaria, Richard Wagner, Anna Pavlova, Louis Bertrand, Sir Edwin Arnold, Mark Twain, Emerson, Thoreau, Rudyard Kippling, Jollivet-Castelot, Bauville d'Hostel, Hann Ryner, H. Chevillon, Jenny Lind, Otto Seemann, Miguel de Unamuno, John Lewis, King Piang Lui of Muli, Brian Branston, Grand Priest Maduroa of Mu (Palau), Chief Mu Teoagi (Solomon Islands), Sir Zaden La, Marilyn Monroe, G.R.S. Mead, Kersey Graves, Gen. McAlrthur, J.P.Lundy, C.W. Kiing, Lord Kingsborough, Anna Kingsford, Godfrey Higgins, Dr. Franz Hartmann, Albert Pike, Gen. George Patton, Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, Eliphas Levi, Rt. Rev. Henri Duvernois, Prof.  Karl Bruner among many others have left in it their wonderful imprints of moral dignity, magnificent wisdom and spiritual majesty. Here, Goodwill, Understanding and Kindness are well blended with Sincerity of purpose.

It is not with pretty speeches, elaborate doctrines, fancy promises, dramatic demands and spectacular exhibitionism that human problems are to be solved, and that real wisdom and happiness are attained. It is, rather, by the commending and inspiring Presence of a winning humanitarian undertaking that discarts sense delusions, and, instead, meets all the material needs as well as the spiritual urges of the modern man.

We could adequately describe our endeavors and designs as a most necessary "New Age Civilization" as Thomas Blake used to demand.  But it was also called HUMAN HYGEA by  Dr R.T.Trall MD and a “PLANETARIAN REHABILITATION Movement" by E.Davis. The Illustrated  Pr. OM Lind termed it in 1920 “an ennobling UNIVERSIAN endeavor based on COSMIC AND HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, stripped of all the delusions and trappings which are responsible for the awful materialistic civilization that morally degrades and biologically as well as spiritually degenerates the human species"


The UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE is above all an organism of the many educational, cultural, benevolent, fraternal, moral, ethical and Spiritual organizations. It is absolutely non-denominational. Integrated by sincere and wholesome people as well as groups of all possible races, faiths, nations and continents who are interested in living peacefully and nobly, applying the GOLDEN RULE for the benefit and to the advantage of all. It excludes only people who are not normally healthy and respectable who would not exclude themselves otherwise. Neither does it uphold any sort of artificial privilege, or mystic claims. This is above all: - it is not intended to expressly serve selfish sectarian institutions or the exclusive interest of any person, race, religion or nation in particular. Therefore, neither can it – ever – be in any way the making or the  property of any person, faith, clan, sect or group in particular. IT BELONGS TO ALL MANKIND AND IT EXPRESSES THE IDEALS AND THE NEEDS OF HUMAN CONSCIENCE.

The UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE characterizes the ushering in New Age since the momentous Geneva Pronouncement in 1922 when it brought about the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD - CO-OPERATIVE - COMMONWEALTH OF MANKIND stamping out jungle rule of the right of might, the-dog-eat-dog philosophy of materialism, the prestige of power, and the arrogance of fabulous wealth and sumptuous authority which rest on designs of conquest and totalitarian hegemony, or ruthless domineering. We proclaim that no single person, nation, race, faith or clan is either powerful or good enough to constitute itself as supreme or perfect, or owner and dispenser of God, Truth or Mankind. There can be no real Wisdom, Love, Compassion or creative genius among men so long as human conditions shall not be determined exclusively by the dignity of the aristocracy of intelligence, genuine magnanimity and undefinable Spiritual Noblesse. It is this humanely ordained and peacefully regulated sense of superior and matchless living that we define as THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD - CO-OPERATIVE - COMMONWEALTH OF MANKIND.

Pr. OM Lind-Schernrezig.

Dusseldorf, 25th of May 1945