Visto: 1106


The Sprit of the New Age







Interview to Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig – The Maha Chohan K.H.  Paris, 6-03-1948. 

William Q. Benning is a carrier journalist. His long-standing prestige as war correspondent for American publications stands on over forty years of experience as explorer and writer. Having seen the tremendous world-wide publicity campaigns against the Ill. Maha Chohan K.H., he decided to look into this matter. What he found deserves equally to be known, because he has made a great discovery. His revelations also lift the shroud of the holiness of the focuses of corruption of the world where “black magic” is openly practiced under the cover of “Spiritualism”, “Theosophy” and Religion. He speaks of atrocious SPIRITUAL CRIMES and of the unsuspected martyrdom of a man in this enlightened Christian XXth Century. 



California. U.S.A. #. 47 and 48 (1948).  

Who has not read by now of the great oriental sage who visits the western world, supposed to be the “king of the world” and claimed to be the most astounding personality of our time? Who has not heard, in fact, something about this fabulous Maha Chohan and the legendary Agharti or “subterranean kingdom”? The European press has been publishing extraordinary accounts in regards to these marvels, claiming that they are remains of the golden times of ancient Egypt and Central Asia. But all the accounts are not laudatory. There is also much talk of cynical charlatanry, false messiahship, grotesque imposture, and satanic spiritualism. There is also a faint protest which is hardly heeded, that exposes theosophy and seeks to exploit a fantastic myth of modern manufacture. Wherein lies the Truth in this monstrous orchestration of foul passions, fantastic claims and unseemly fancy?

The contradictory reports and the insistence with which the Maha Chohan was being attacked made me think of a monstrous international campaign. I too much hatred in these denunciations which remained unproven, and they were too viciously intended to be respectable. I immediately thought of the terrible ordeals Mary Eddy Baker went through when she launched her “Christian Science” (?) and the atrocities perpetrated in the name of religion in England, America and all over Europe during the wars of faith, when Protestantism came into being. I also saw in my mind what happened to the Cathares and Albigeans of Southern France when the Catholic Church waged its Inquisitorial war or Crusade. Thereupon I decided to poop through the invisible world of spiritualists and theosophists in order to discover the Truth, because the least publicized aspect of the clang of warfare in this instance is a protest directed against the Theosophical Society and false spiritualists.

My task was found very easy when I do receive at the American Embassy an invitation to attend the Open Forum of the Aghartha, presided by the Maha Chohan himself, at the swank Parisian society center which is the Hotel du Quai D´Orsay on the 16th of February, 1948. There I found a replete Hall, where the public was invited to speak freely, and questions were in plenty voiced, while the Maha Chohan amiably complied.

After the Grand Assembly I mingled with the hundreds of Delegations and attendants. These were mostly journalists, writers, artists, members of the Diplomatic Corps, religious leaders and well-known socialites, who had just heard breathlessly the two hours philosophical exposé of the Ill. Oriental sage. At least one myth was exploded there and then. I had read, in fact, that the Maha Chohan had fled from Rome after having been exposed by a Prof. Tucci, and that he was in hiding. No charlatan or impostor hides like that, or presides Open D Forums widely publicized by the press, and offering himself to public scrutiny. I found the Assembly Hall wide open, with no guards and not the least control. I soon learned, however, that the Maha Chohan makes it a practice to request police protection in many countries which he visits, not precisely to protect his person but to keep tract of his use of time and to have real alibis in case of accusation of any mischief or crime.

A young lady selling booklets soon informed me that the Maha Chohan can be approach without hesitation, and that he speaks to anybody when he is in Public Halls. Otherwise, I would have to obtain an audience. I thought it was more proper to ask for an audience, so I slipped a Five Dollar bill into the hand of my beautiful interlocutor and requested her to accept this as a donation. She immediately thanked me with a broad smile, and said she could obtain a private audience for me if I was really sincere, and “not a stupid journalist” or a “hunter of prestige”. This made me think again, so I agreed, giving my address and phone number. After a while the Ill. Maha Chohan walked out, accompanied down the big stairs and into the street by hundreds of persons, obviously prestigious people. Many people offered him limousines, but he preferred to call a taxi, the which he did himself.

The next morning, I was unexpectedly called on the phone, and there was my young friend who notified me that my audience was granted, and I could call on the Prince OM Schernrezig Lind at any moment during office hours. I immediately rushed to my camera, undonned my overcoat and actually flew head on to the King George V Hotel to keep my rendezvous with fate.

I was introduced into a big Hall where at least sixty persons were waiting their turn for audience. I did not wait even two minutes, being called by my name, and introduced into a smaller, twenty by thirty fact Hall where my noble host rushed from his seat to receive me. “How do you do, my friend”? This unusual question swept me from my feet, and yet gave me a certain assurance, a warm feeling. The Ill. Prince who must be a good judge of human nature soon returned me to myself-saying. “Why, of course you are my friend. All people who seek after the Truth are my friends”. We shacked hands, and this gave me a better angle of appreciation of this great, gleaming and vibrant personality. Indeed, the Maha Chohan is no ordinary man. I have met rulers of all sorts in all latitudes, Presidents of Republics, mighty industrial barons, and even tyrants and dictators, but none of these impressed me so much by this strange mixture of extraordinary modesty, radiant personality, profound wisdom, and human warmth.

I had already thought of the questions I would like to have answered, but none of them seemed to come to my mind. So, I said more or less this, “Sir, excuse my frankness, but as a journalist I chase after news and always try to find out why, when, where, how so as to inform my readers”. My Ill. host begged me to be at home and said: “Why the excuses? You are my guest, so I shall be highly honored if you grant me the opportunity of being of assistance to you if it is within my power to do so”.

Here is a verbatim report of our unusual talk:

Q: Your Highness, or Your Majesty, how should I address you?

A: Does it matter how you address me? Let off all ceremonials, please.  When people call me fancy name and present homages, I feel uneasy I prefer heart-to-heart talks and sincere, friendly chats. May I have you served a cup of tea?

Q: It is my obligation to address you as you deserve, Sir. Besides, your followers, so understand, treat you as “Your Lordship”, “Beloved Father”, and “Seigneur”, and last night at the Assembly I saw everybody kneel before you, and addressing you as “Your Worship”.

A: People address me as they feel. However, I would be happier if people did not try to exalt, venerate and divinize me. I abhor being considered anything else than a man. I strive to be a good man, that is all.

Q: Sir, according to what is being said about your personality, you have been a ruler, a king, an Emperor, and in spiritualistic circles you are a sort of human Divinity.

A: Newspapers print anything nowadays, particularly when they are paid to do so. Most what has been said about me and the Aghartha all these months in the Parisian press is pure fancy, atrocious charlatanry. I have come to Europe, primarily to speak for myself and to “debunk the bunk” as you say in America. I cannot avoid being talked about, of course, but why don´t journalists honestly face reality, and speak with me rather than with God knows what crooks and cranks who claim to know more than they can even dream about?

Q: Am I to understand, Sir, that you have been misrepresented, and that the Aghartha is not as generally claimed?

A: Those who have written about the Maha Chohan – that is myself - have never met me or even spoken with me as you do now. What can they know about me? In regards to the Aghartha or Grand Assembly of Sages and Spiritual Instructors, there is nothing mysterious, enigmatic, queer, or questionable about it. You have seen in the Hall last night at least one hundred of these Agharthians, and all of them are either scholars, nobles, College professors, authors, and religious prelates. They belong to all the races, faiths, parties and nationalities. Wisdom and Goodness are the main characteristics of Agharthians, and it is not necessary to be mysterious and shrouded in fantastic legends in order to be wise and good as we are.

Q: You seem to upset all the claims recently published about the Aghartha and on your Ill. Personality. But why, then, is Aghartha an “invisible, subterranean kingdom? And why are you called “King of the world”?

A: The Aghartha has its headquarters at times in the course of history, in huge grottoes, such as Monserrat in Spain, in Tulle of Southern France, Carlsbad and Saratoga in the United States, and in so many different parts of the world. Until recently Agharti was situated in the Tien Shan Mountain, in Eastern Tatary (Sin Kiang) and in the Kuen Lun desert between Tatary and Thibet in caves which are really below the sea level. As for myself, what can I say? You see me now; what do you think I am? Am I an impostor as this man Tucci says over there in Rome, a charlatan as theosophists claim, a crook and a Wall Street Agent as communist’s state, a fantastic creature as some stupid journalists claim or print? Like the British poet, I like to say “I am king of my castle, captain of my soul, ruler of my destiny”. That is about all worth saying in regards to my personality.

Q: Sir, it is also stated that you are the “reincarnation of Pythagoras”, “reappearance of the Pharaoh”, and a bon vivant who likes Beaujolais wine and cabaret dolls. Do you mind entertaining me on these particulars?

A: First of all, pardon my laughter. Don´t some newsman makes fools of themselves when they write and print such nonsense? Whoever thinks all these stupidities, of course, must have plenty of fun. There should be, however, a law against these insanities, bunks and irreverence’s. Or someone is interested in ridiculizing me. I will not be the laughing stock of fools. Recently, a woman journalist saw me at a Press Meeting, and spoke with me during a quarter of an hour; the next day she published in “Aux Ecoutes” and other Publications that she (Martine Beauvais) had been the happy objective of my love-making, that she was honored by my marriage proposals, and that she rejected me because I was a “lousy” Asiatic! Think of what such pests can do in a single quarter of an hour, and what they can do the rest of the time. I could not even remember how she looks like. She states that I am a show-girl admirer, and that I indulge in drinking. What an insolence! After such claims, it is a wonder to me that they don´t state that I confessed to being the Devil in person. Some people make a Deity out of me, while others try to cast ridicule upon me. These people are criminals, “character assassins”, soul murderers, enemies of Truth, abominable ant spiritual creatures. I say this is laughing tone, but it is very tragic, indeed.

Q: And this Tucci affaire?

A: Same people, same tactics, same purposes, same vile methods! I never saw this Tucci in my whole life, although I had heard about him years ago as a plunderer of Thibetan homes and Temples. He used to intoxicate with drugs and inebriate with alcohol the temple keepers and servants of rich homes in order to get their favor, or raffle religious objects, paintings, sacred cult statues, etc. In Rome, I happened to meet his wife, who gave me in keeping some of this lost, for safekeeping and to be returned to the rightful owners. Tucci could not look upon my presence in Rome with kind feelings. He organized a mob and stormed my Hotel residence, claiming that he should be granted an audience forthwith. A few hours earlier, a fanatic brandishing a stylet was found in my bathroom. What could I expect? I forthwith summoned the police for protection and to establish order. Why all this public gansgtering and insolence? If Mr. Tucci had come in person, requesting a private audience, he would have been attended as I now treat you. This Mr. Tucci now states that he exposed me, that I am an ignorant, that I did not answer him in Tibetan, and that I am a Jew and an impostor. If we analyze well these claims, we will easily discover what are his aims. First of all, of course, he must prove his authority by casting doubt about my person and smearing me, with his mud, so that my accusations of murder and robbery may neither be heard or even considered. Then, he must prove that I am an ignorant coolly and an impostor, so that I may be ignored and persecuted. This is a well-drawn plan of attack, but Mr. Tucci could try to meet me in public, before a Scientific Academy, here in Paris or in London or elsewhere. I dare him to meet like this, as gentlemen do, without an entourage of delirious fanatics and storming mobs. Obviously, to him it is more convenient to attack me viciously, and to slander me. Why I did not answer my public invitation to attend the Assembly of Agharthians last night? The invitations appeared in the press throughout the world, and I even sent him a personal letter of invitation over a week ago. Why, does he and his theosophical friends prefer the atmosphere of scandals, and the weapons of ignominious defamation?

Q: As you say, Sir, all this is plain murder. These people are criminals and there should be laws, as you say, against these enemies of human respect and religious authority. Why do theosophists treat you as an impostor?

A: The Theosophical Society has its motives, alright. Or should I say schemes? I happen to be the universally known and truly living Head of the Esoteric School known as Mahatantrikang, in the Himalaya, whose tittle is Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, or Lion-Hearted Noble Guide, Ruler and Leader. Years back, however, the Theosophical Society had created a Master Koot Hoomi Lal Singh of its own, which was never publicly seen or acknowledged. At that time theosophists mingled with self-glorified charlatans, freakish occultists, religious spiritualists and all sorts of impostors. The T.S. had also in mind a sort of world Divine Government intended for all religions and including all spiritualists, mystics, Masons, etc. It even had a messiah, a World Mother, Twelve Apostol’s, a Council of Cardinals, a Supreme Pontiff, a real fools’ paradise, in fact, since there were also (magically fabricated) thousands of super saints o Arahats, and any theosophist of significance was easily recognized as the reincarnation of this or that great historical personality. No, no floor scrubbers, no criminals, no pirate there, but only heroes, kings, saints and savants. I could name you at least three different theosophical Jesus Christ, twenty Cleopatra’s, six Napoleon, forty Joan of Arc, four Charlemagne, twelve Roger Bacon, two Pythagoras, thirty St. John, three St. Michel, etc. I exposed the Messiah Krishnamurti, the sex-pervert Bishop Leadbeater, the megalomaniac Annie Besant and scores of minor potentates of this theosophical realm, and they all promptly reacted with their smears, slanders and fraternal hatred. Their Koot Hoomi Lal Singh is a fancy fashioned after the personality of Christ, but a sort of Divine Presence which needs no Son. All this has been aptly put down by a French writer under the caption THEOSOPHY, A FALSE RELIGION, and it can be obtained in any Library or bookseller. I could not like to be the T.S. Koot Hoomi Lal Singh a single second. Why insist? I have always stated that I do not want to be divinized, or be converted into a myth, because I prefer to be real as I am. I wonder, sometimes, if theosophists do not persecute me a crave to slander, vilify and murder me only because I am so real and effective, so dynamic and realistic. Could they not be jealous of such a contrast? Or do they want to erase me from the world because I exposed their colossal charlatanry and their false Messiah?

Q: They are after you all right. But are behind all that fantastic propaganda launched prior to your arrival in Europe last year?

A: I have protested time and against such fantastic lies and preposterous claims. I wrote at that time to different people telling them that I would not attend the World Congress of Spiritual Brotherhood, which was inviting me to preside it, if rectifications were not made through the press. Ivanoff stated then that this fancy propaganda was excellent, and precisely what Europeans needed in order to awaken them to spiritual Truth, I trusted this Ivanoff, at first, because of his earnestness, and also because of his efforts in bringing about Human Brotherhood on earth. That is how he tricked me into signing laudatory letters in glorification of his work, teaching and personality. He also had able adjutants who prompted me to be lenient, and to do in Europe as Europeans do. They exploited my good faith and good feelings. My only contacts in Europe, publicity at that time, was the theosophical Divine School of Ivanoff, and the Theosophical Lodge of Franz Wittomans in Antwerp. These people, together with Rinchen Khai Dub Lievens of Rome, another prestigious theosophist of long standing, published these fantastic stories about the Aghartha and the Maha Chohan. I came to Europe, finally, chiefly because I wanted the whole world to know the real truth about the Aghartha and myself. Now it is up to you to ask, and I will answer.

Q: But this Rinchen-Lievens and the others whom you mention, were your collaborators and trusted friends.

A: It seems to me that I was their trusted friend, rather, because they acted toward me as perfect ruffians and fiendish fanatics. They tricked me into their schemes. They glorified me in order to exploit me better, and to reap greater fruits from the gullible public. To begin with, I would say that all what had been printed about the Aghartha and the Maha Chohan is absolutely false, the product of feverish imaginations and impious impostors as well as crooks. Yes, they are crooks, since they asked money in the name of the Aghartha or for the Spiritual rescue of humanity under the guidance of the August Maha Chohan K.H. They have reaped in this manner many millions, but I have never soon a centime or the shadow of a single farthing of all this, because they always told me that money was much needed for publicity, food, and to help poor folks. Franz Wittemans was not long in my trust because I soon discovered his tricks, when he told me that St. Germain, a sort of handy “invisible Master”, whom theosophists worship, and other exalted Spiritual Masters had revealed to him and his Lodge attendants that I am the Awaited One “Who will set the world right”. Gracious me, don´t I knew that the world needs much more than poor me to get rid of wars, mystical impostures, political scheming, gangsters, vices and human hypocrisy! At such a sally I respond with a sonorous laughter which was heard all around the world, and I told these theosophical day-dreamers that I am no metaphysical saint or fancy creature, but a living person who abhor lies, impostures and irresponsible mystical claims. Rinchen-Lievens wanted me to be a sort of Oriental Deity, too, and what strikes me is that he was very successful. Think of my bewilderment when I gave a Lecture at the Roman College, the day after reaching Rome last November, when I was treated as a Pope, and my foot, my garments and my bands were frantically kissed by a multitude which came passing in front of me, on the stage, many people walking on their knees, so as to receive my Blessings.

Q: Why did you not play the game and accept the worship? You were the heavenly-sent manner to these faithful people.

A: Pardon Ud., I was merely a false-front, the living image of a fantastic imposture, so the next day I called on the Roman folks to order, requesting then not to see in me an imitation, but a reality, not a mystification but a good-natured Brother who cannot be anything but a gentleman. That sat Troy burning. Rinchen-Liovens began to antagonize me because of my objections to these obnoxious treatments I was being made the object in Rome. Besides, the Tucci couples’ diverse complications fell upon me, and I was almost murdered by the theosophical fanatics precisely the day I had an audience with His Holiness the Pope.

Q: It is said that the Vatican knows nothing about you.

A: The truth is perhaps that now it does not want to know anything about me. But look at these three Telegrams which I received in Paris before going to Rome, and look at these cards, from the Chinese Embassy before the Vatican, which prove that The Chinese Ambassador himself was my introductor. A simple denial can charge events, but cannot destroy the Truth.

Q: It is said that you have no known place of birth and no nationality, this being the reason for your ousting from Italy.

A: Wrong again. Here is my passport, and a certificate to from the Municipality of Darjeeling where I am told that no records were kept at the time of my birth in that City. This other document from General Laden La, British Army Officer stationed at Darjeeling, proves that he knew my parents and was present at my home the moment of my birth. This other document proves that I am really of noble birth, that I was known at the Imperial Court of the Tzars of Russia, and it is signed by Prince Troubetzkoi, and here again are the calling cards of Prince Yussoupoff, Archduque Alexander, Count Cheremetieff, Princess Xonia Riabhushinsky, Princess Olga, Countess Sonia Berg, and Count Brianchaninoff, of the Russian Noblesse who know me personally and can vouch for my oriental origin.

Q: Indeed, these documents prove the truth, and are legal instruments which cannot be denied. Where is this Empire of Shan referred to in the document of Count Chertow? And what does Ch´An stand for?

A: There are many Shan’s in Central Asia, and there are numerous Empires and kingdoms under more or less the same designation. There is the Ala Shan, the Olan Shan, the Kara Shan, Tien Shan, etc. Shan means literally, mountain, and also Domain, Empire. Ch´An stands for Pure Land, and it is only a mystical School of pre-Budhistic philosophy. I am Ch´An Patriarch. My parents own the Shan which adjoins Koko-Nor´s and includes Karakorum, the old capital of Genghis Khan and the Kha Khan. That is, to be truthful, let us say that they used to won that great extension of territory which extended up to Ozoungary, and it is in the hands of communist’s land-grabbers now. My parents are prisoners of the communists in Mongolia, since two years ago, after having been antagonized and imprisoned by the Japanese’s. Some of them a have been murdered.

Q: Why do they address you sometimes as Maha Chohan and at other times as Prince Schernrezig?

A: Maha Chohan means Great-Guide-Benefactor in the spiritual realm, I belong to the Schernrezig clan, which directly descends from the ancient Huighur dynasties and Gengish Khan through the Kha Khan Ogotai.

Q: Is it true that the term Maha Chohan means “King of the world”?

A: I really don´t know. I am only a Spiritual guide, without the least disposition to be called king, messiah, saint, genius, Lord, or Emperor. The British term “Mr.” suits me best, that is Gentleman.

Q: But why do spiritualists like theosophists and rosicrucians hate and persecute you so much? In Lausanne there is a rosicrucian who states that you are the worst impostor the world has ever known?

A: Only some spiritualists attack and persecute me. That Lausanne rosicrucian is well known to me, because what he now says of me is precisely what I said years ago, in California, of Spencer Lewis, the AMORC charlatanry´s Imperator. They send me back the bad coin, but I used it honorably, and offered public proofs to back my exposures of these vicious mystical impostures, while they only hurl back at me words, smears and furious hatred. It is only a small minority of spiritualistic and theosophical groups which hate and combat me. There are many others which honor, admire and even worship me. Someday, the Truth will be openly spoken in regards to these men-haters and soul murderers; then they will not be heeded, or they will be jailed, not only because they are criminal mystic impostors but primarily on account of the evil effects of their false yogic teachings and their exploitation and corruption of young women. All this is done under the cloak of spirituality, spiritualism and yogism, unfortunately. It is mostly sex-perversion and a pretext for bacchanals. You may mark my words, because I do not mind being maltreated by such people, and as long as I live, I shall expose and denounce them. Is prefer to be hated by these satanic fanatics but be the gallant cleaner of these Augean Stables of spiritualism.

Q: I realize that there is much more than meets the eye in this affair. If your words appear in the press the whole world will burst, and, while decent people will applaud and admire you, those affected by your exposures will hate you like the devil. Still, remember, Your Lordship, humanity always crucifies its benefactors.

A: I expose false prophets and impostors mainly because of my love for Truth. I do not care about being hailed as a savior, a liberator, a benefactor, or what. I do not believe in redeeming humanity, but only in enlightening some sincere individuals who are ready for spiritual enfoldments. When I Teach, I prefer to do so to small groups. I abhor public appearances, where most people come to see and hear me with an empty heart, a sterile mind and an irresponsible conscience.

Q: You have declared Paris “Spiritual Capital of the World”. Does that mean that you are fixing your permanent residence here?

A: Paris has been declared “Spiritual Capital” for spiritual activities, but not mean Holy See, or a Residence for me. I am a leader, an inspirer, but not a ruler, or even the President. I am a Spiritual Teacher and Religious Guide, not a temporal magnate, or governor.

Q: You preside over many Congresses, International Philosophical Conferences, etc. Are you also a Church leader, and could this fact be the real reason for your Odyssey? Religious fanaticism can be vicious, you know. You make me think of-the-great-religious-reformer, who were accused of all sorts of infamies, and even lapidated. The story of Christ is not unique.

A: I have been appointed to different Religious posts, but in a purely representative way. I belong to all sincere faiths, and I cannot be limited by any Church or Society in particular. I do not mind being a Spiritual Instructor to different organizations, and scores of them require my attention. What you say of Christs ordeal, is, unfortunately, true, and the privilege of almost every reformer. Many people cannot suffer the presence of Spiritual enlightenment, or withstand the greatness and dynamism of other Religious groups. This only proved that these who attack and defile are vicious, and very unworthy of their own faith. These who fanatically close their eyes to Truth in other religious and Schools of Wisdom are like students who shut themselves in a cloister in order to be free from the world not realizing that they are the prisoners and victims of their mental myopia and obtuseness of conscience, or spiritual void. This kind of people, of course, crucify, demote and slander their Christ each day, without feeling the least guilt about it. Others are “enemies of Truth” because they want only their own fancy and exclusive faith to prevail; being slaves of their own delusions, they want to rule the rest of mankind under the same fight! But those who cruelly and recklessly accuse me are real character assassins without the least sense of decency. It is a great tragedy for me to withstand all these accusations and slanders, but what can I do? If they want to believe that I am a crook, a vicious impostor, a Wall & Street Agent, a spy, a communist, or a Jew, as they claim, can I lose my time in a futile defense.

At this moment I see the Maha Chohan sinking in deep sadness, as though he felt ostracized and mercilessly martyrized, shinning pearls freely run from his eyes, skipping over his tightened lips which try to present a smile. The head of the great Spiritual Leader drops heavily forward, and he tells me in a few words out short by deep signs: “Is it such a great wrong to be good and to strive to rescue people from the clutches of monsters? How can people be so evil, so cruel, and still speak of God, Brotherhood and Religion”?

Q: After a pause I feel like asking the great philosopher another question. I ask: How would you, in a few words, define your religious Teachings, your philosophy of life, and your Spiritual dynamics, Sir?

A: It is hard to put a whole life-time in a nut-shell. The Golden Rule is my moral ideal. To be sincere in all purports and endeavors, to have a pure heart, - to have an awakened conscience and a clear mind, and a lofty spirit, and to serve humanitarian ideals, such is in synthesis my whole belief and yearning.

Q: Some people have accused you of being a “Black magician”. What is that?

A: People who use the forces of Nature for evil purposes are Black magicians. Theosophists accuse me of that because it is their best way of self-justification, like criminals vilify their victims, like monsters try to appear as angels. For some reason, false democrats accuse their enemies, or victims of fascism or communism, and religious fanatics call their opponents “demons”, etc. The best way to judge people in their true character, however, is to apply to them the epithets which they hurl at their opponents.

Three hours have passed, and the Ill. Maha Chohan asks me if I want to lunch with him. I reject the invitation, and express my wish to take leave.

The Ill. Maha Chohan invites he to dinner at a Russian Restaurant this evening. I accept. I ask him if after, we may go to a Cabaret, and he says: “Why not, no one has made a Saint out of me yet. I have being accused of antispiritualist because I am not a professed vegetarian – what a crime! – but to this minute I have not been accused of running around Nights Clubs”. You are wrong, Sir, I tell him, you are accused of being a lover of beautiful chorus girls and a great patron of Night Clubs!

A: Gracious me, I am not as up-to-date as I thought. I have never visited a Night Club in my whole life, so I must catch up and find out what it is all about. Besides, I have never said I disliked or abhorred pretty ladies, and they do not scare me. If you wish, it is a data: kindly accompany me tonight, and we will get a glimpse of these Night Clubs where my sainthood´ is supposed to have faded away.

The Ill. Maha Chohan K.H. Head of the Aghartha or Grand Assembly of Sages and Spiritual Instructors is a mirthful person. He is also, unquestionably, a stout moral and vigorous spiritual Leader. He not only resents being divinized and worshiped, but refuses to let the Spiritual Realm fall into foul and criminal hands. I feel like converted by this great religious philosopher, and I do not hesitate to state that I have been in the presence of one of the greatest living personalities of our time.

What I have learned, and now repeat, is no doubt my greatest journalistic scoop. If my words can mark, these revelations are mere historical and momentous than the atomic bomb.

In the evening, I did make good the invitation of the Ill. Maha Chohan, and I piloted him through the Follies Bergères, the Lido, the Chat Noir, and Eve, Great souls are so courageous.

Before taking leave from the great sage, I requested authorization to write my impressions, and to call on him again should I need further explanations.


A few days later, trying to sum up my impressions, and discovering that I could not respond to the task, I decided to call on the Illustrious Maha Chohan, I had no difficulty in obtaining an audience.

This time, no feeling of strangeness on my part. Upon meeting me throw at each other´s arms, without a single word, and I felt lake being greeted by a father after many years of absence. What he felt, I could not say. He speaks little, and only when requested to do so.

Q: When I came in I could not help seeing the Grand Commander of the Supreme Council and the Grand Master of French Masonry. Are you acquainted with these gentlemen? I understand Masonry is very powerful in this country. What does Your Lordship think of Masonry in a general manner?

A: Masonry is unquestionably a wonderful organization; that is when we understand its moral foundation and respect its magnificent philosophical projections. I have the privilege of having personal contacts with the exalted leaders of the main Masonic Bodies of France, and I find them fine gentlemen and great leaders. I am not acquainted, however, with the structure and mechanism of French Masonry, although I have been informed that it is basically democratic, but with a total absence of religious influence and spiritual designs.

Q: And in regards to war, in general, what have you to say for our readers? Do you believe World Citizens, spiritualists and religious people will someday prevent war?

A: Nothing can prevent war, when there are warriors, and as long as violence can legalize, glorify and Divinize itself, I believe war is vicious, ruthless, devilish, no matter how we look at it, and the moment we admit it either as a form of self-defense or of triumph, we condone its cruelty and infamies, and if in any way we pray God to assist us in warfare, aggression, violence, or hatred, we merely make a gangster, a vicious partisan and a criminal out of Him. In regards to World Citizens movements, I may state that this megalomaniac and narcissist Garry Davis is only an imitator of our ideals and plans, and some day you will see him stand on his head to attract attention toward Garry Davis. If he were sincere, he would be with us. His leaders have called on me, but only to ask for financial support. These people must have discovered a good way to live without working and to become famous by denouncing war. Some people are born simians.

Q: The other day you showed me some documents. May I look over again? I want to make sure.

A: Of course. Here they are. Here is also my British Laisser-Passer signed by Commissioner of Police Henry Burton of Shanghai in 1920, where it is stated that I am born in Darjeeling, India, of Kalmouok-Tatar origin, and it gives my full title: Prince of the Schernrezig Clan, resident of Sokkog Nor´, Tatary, with residence in Shanghai at 29 Hart Road. And here again is my Russian Travel Papers, which clearly state: born in Darjeeling, India, residence St. Petersburgh, Prince Schernrezig of Shan, etc., dated 16th of May 1913, issued by the Irkutsk Governor, and countersigned by the Police Chiefs of St. Petersburgh, Omsk and Nizhni Novgorod. This is a photograph of the Tsars of Russia, and here am I. This is also a photograph of prince Maurice Paléologue, ex-Ambassador of France in Russia, taken in St. Petersburgh. Do you realize now how flimsy and ridiculous are the claims of certain degenerate baboons with human traits, who want me to be the product of spontaneous generation? One American Consular Officer once made me understand that I am not a human being; I must be a cosmic pollen or something!

Q: In some circles it is said that you are the Liberator of Inner Mongolia.

A: Nothing of the sort, unless the honorific tittle fits me. In reality I contributed to some extent to liberate all Central Asia from the monstrous clutches of bolshevism. We had some success for some time, but later we were routed by starvation, and the Bolsheviks and communists stepped in, and all our sacrifices were rendered futile. The communists have murdered all our followers and families they could lay their hands on, and all properties and lands were confiscated. Inner Mongolia and all Central Asia was freed from the Bolsheviks once, and it is good to be stated in the historical records, so that none may forget that communism has murdered all our Free States in that remote region of the world.

Q: You have presided November last a Grand World Congress of Human Brotherhood here in Paris. What are your impressions of that event, Sir?

A: I believe it was a momentous affaire, and one of vital importance for the whole world, since Spiritual values were consecrated, and all Churches and Faiths were invited to cooperate on a basis of true Humanitarian ideals, absolute friendship and indivisible World Brotherhood and Spiritual Communion. It was not precisely as we would have wanted it to be, since there were foreign elements added to the program, which had nothing to do with a Spiritual Congress; but in general, it was of far-reaching consequences and unusual moral significance. Three World Congresses were held simultaneously, that is of the United Religious Alliance, of the Universal Spiritual Union, and of the August Supreme Order of Masonic Art. My only regret is that we could not afford to stage a foster pageant, and hold similar events in succession in different countries. Just the same, we have provoked a noticeable impact on human conscience, and the ideals of Human Brotherhood and Spiritual values will be more heeded henceforth. The communist world was not represented, perhaps because we are treated as cosmopolitans. In reality we are Brothers of Man, Sons of God, World Helpers, and Spiritual Guides.

Q: What about those spiritualists who hate, vilify and combat you?

A: I have no enemies. Those who hate and combat me merely do so because they believe I am their enemy. In reality I have never treated people unjustly. Institutions are alright generally speaking, but their exponents seldom deserve them, so they become their worse exponents. I oppose crime, infamy, lies, evil designs, not organizations, unless these should become real scourges, or menaces to human society and to the Spiritual Realm. People have to be educated in sound thinking, wholesome behavior, in true humanitarian and spiritual designs, otherwise even under the cloak of wonderful ideals they become obnoxious, ruthless and devilish. Scoundrels and idiots can be found anywhere and they are responsible for the misunderstanding of Divine principles and wonderful human ideals. I believe Theosophy is a sublime realization of Divine truth and a noble attitude toward life; but the theosophists who attack me are far from deserving my admiration. Paul Morand gives a spiritual picture of these people in his “Budha Vivant”. By the way, did you read Philip Oppenheim´s The Great Prince Shan? There I am presented under a new light; at least it is not done with mischief and wickedness.

Q: You say that you are neither Tibetan, prophet, saint, nor Deity. In your public Lectures your statements are clear in this respect, and your wisdom, your humanism and your sincerity are a constant challenge to everybody. How is it, then, that you have so many enemies and why do they insist on accusing you?

A: In the first place, I refuse to admit any form of charlatanry or imposture. To me, horoscope sellers and pontifying mystics constitute an obnoxious lot; they only exploit human credulity, and when they resort to Yoga and sexual perversion their folly and mischief becomes a crime against humanity and Truth, because they are simple impostors, without adequate knowledge, and their practices only lead to debauchery, mental insanity, psychological complex and revolting exalted passions. I condemn, expose and oppose all these manifestations of false, delusive and negative spiritualism, theosophy, rosicrucianism or Religion. In regards to contenders´ accusations and foolish tactics, I dare them to prove even the least of their contentions.

Q: Your opponents are real persecutors.

A: They are Inquisitionists. Well, the whole world is becoming so divided with hatred, suspicion, fear and oppression in many aspects that it all looks to me like a maelstrom. Humanity suffers a terrible case of effete morals and spiritual void, and unless this is corrected soon world chaos shall ensue, and war will sooner or later create a cosmic punishment which will be very fitting.

Q: Do you believe in Divine punishment, cosmic forces and occult powers? Would you say that humanity is haunted by evil or devilish forces?

A: Beyond all doubt and above all superstitions Divine principles rule the universe and life and keep natural laws working, and it matters little how we call God, or merely speak of cosmic forces or occult powers. Humanity is perhaps haunted by its own vices and passions more than by anything else. Delusions do have their effects on human nature, too. Spiritual forces, when duly used, bring wonderful peace and harmonious conditions in man as well as in the whole world. Spiritual forces, however, are invisible; they are like Healing, they are known by their effects. When we are wicked and diabolical, viciously impassionate and roguish, when we entertain criminal designs and devilish thoughts, we stir negative forces and bring upon us bad influences. In fact, when we behave or think like brutish fiends, vicious gangsters, abominable criminals, or devils’, we predispose ourselves for evil and negative motives, and become our own first victims. We are like children playing with fire; we get burnt if we are not careful and if we ignore what fire is; but we can work wonders with fire once we know what it is and strive to use it to good advantage. Man is powerful because he can use extraordinary forces, unleash cosmic power, and even wield Divine Laws, with his intelligence; but he is a terribly dangerous creature when he thinks and behaves viciously or devilishly. That is why it is much better to be completely ignorant sometimes, and if we must know truth that makes us free, let it be under the guidance trustworthy sages.

Q: What is the Universal Religious Alliance? Are you its President?

A: This organization is a World Union of Churches and Faiths for mutual assistance and protection, and also for the more efficient rescue, assistance and protection of humanity. We intend, also, affording due shelter, food, legal status, protection all what needed to those people who suffer the harsh consequences of war, to all people who suffer want and persecution. Its President is now Rev. Henry Ward, who succeeded Mrs. Blumhardt de Gingin in 1935, and was reelected. New elections are to take place next month, and a Roman Catholic Bishop Order is the most popular candidate.

Q: You are, however, one of the Leaders of this organization, as well as of the August Supreme Order of Masonic Art.

A: All good people admire Truth and love the ideals of Brotherhood. I believe all Churches should unite for moral and spiritual action, because otherwise they fail to justify their own principles, and do not comply with the Teachings of their most exalted originators.

Yes, I am also a Brother Mason, like I am a fellow Budhist, a Brother of Islam, and an adherent of all Churches regardless of faith or tradition, because they all believe in the same God and strive to be good and honest. They may have different roads, but they all shall meet at the end of the journey someday.

Q: Do you believe in Spiritual Healing, Sir?

A: Of course. How else could I bring relief to human ailments? A Blessing is often, if not always, the best remedy to eradicate human illness.

Q: I see the title of this book, “Spiritual Science”, and it is authored by you. Have you written many books?

A: I cannot count any longer my books and College Courses of Study. Here you have Rosa Mystica, Hierarchy, Heart, The Scientific Conquest of Life, The Supreme Justification of Life, New Age Scientific Economics and Integral Controlled Money, Spiritual Renaissance, Kundalini, The Golden Book, Cosmocracy, Elements of Christocracy, Biosophy: Scientific Humanitarian Religion, Universal spiritual Union, The Modern Eight Apocalyptical Curses: Prostitution, Politics, Drugs, Alcoholism, War, Syndicalism, Religious persecution, and Economic exploitation of man by man. There are so many others, printed in different tongues and in almost every latitude of the planet. This is now I earn my board and Lodging, you know, since I am not salaried by any organization.

Q: There is a great scare going on now about communism. What do you think about this form of political government or way of life?

A: Among the Religious Teachers and intellectuals of significance since the world war I, I belong to the very few who have never yielded to the mirage of communism. I have known personally many great souls, such as Gandhi, Anatole France, Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Henri Bergson, Jerome K. Jerome, Oswald Spengler, Benedetto Croce, Oliver Wendell Holmes, among others, and they had a deep interest in this Marxian popularity, some of them even became subdued by the delusion like flies that fall in the flames that attract them. I have never had the slightest sympathy for this way of life, perhaps because I was raised as a noble and a Spiritual leader. In my early manhood I had to face the plight of conquered people, and had to fight back very hard in order to recover freedom. With such an Initiation, it is obvious that communism could never have the least grip on me. I believe it is a scourge, a sort of social cancer which shall have to be extirpated, by means of radical recourses. Marxism is of course a foolish form of economy, communism is, in my understanding, a ruthless form of domineering and world conquest. Besides, it has clever leaders and wonderfully trained diplomats, so it is all the more dangerous. It has even a form of mystic religion, of which Stalin is the visible Deity, and the goal is the enslavement of mankind. In 1931 I wrote a series of articles in L´AUBE, of Lyon, under the pseudonym Swami Jñanakanda, entitled WHY I AM NOT A COMMUNIST, and in polemical form WHY I CANNOT BE A COMMUNIST. This will always be of great actuality, and I would like to make these notions penetrate the scull and heart of all Religious Ministers, all educators and all statesmen. I intend, in fact, I having a small golden edition printed with this exposé soon, which I will present to the Officials of the United Nations and to the Members of Governments of the whole world. Perhaps this bring about an awareness of the menace which is communism. Russian communism, however, is not the only menace that looms on the world. Religious intolerance and persecution, vicious slander, inquisitional theosophism or spiritualism, political oppression and dictatorship, and all forms of social injustice do have the same characteristics of communism, and perhaps, unknowingly, seek the very same goal. Let us beware of ruthless, domineering and totalitarian dogmatism!

Q: What is your attitude in regards to the Roman Catholic Church?

A: The same that I entertain toward all the other Churches and faiths. To me, noble endeavors are identically respectable, and I believe God is everywhere, and no single person or organization can neither possess nor control Eternal-Universal Truth. We are all on the Way toward perfection and Divine realization, and this is one of the main reasons why we should all strive to live in mutual respect and protection, as real Brothers should.

Q: I have read somewhere, I believe it was in England, that you had been given a grand reception by the Templar Order and the Order of Malta. Do you belong to these exalted Orders?

A: I do, and what you read is exact. There are, however, many Templar Orders and Orders of Malta. For obvious reasons which must be familiar to you, I could not be a Member of Roman Catholic organizations. Not that I would resent such a thing, but merely because this Church is a world apart, and does not take into its fold outsiders unless they adhere totally and without reserve to its designs, dogmas, and methods. I prefer to remain absolutely FREE, and this enables me to admire and love still more the Christian Faith.

Q: The British Government is interested in trading and being friendly with the communist world. Do you think there is a danger of contamination of the whole world if we deal with the communist areas?

A: Commerce and politics are out of my line. However, I find it strange that britishers want to trade with Russia and live peacefully with communism, when they condemn and attack communists everywhere. Strange way of proving good thoughts and religious feelings. Indeed, there is a great difference between theories and doctrines, and daily facts. There should be an understanding with the communists, of course, but how? These people understand only force and tyranny. Their methods are ruthless, and their only aspiration is to rule. Is it possible to reach an understanding with such people? They remind me of the of the fanatical religious doctrinaires who state that their God is the only real and good one, and that only through their Religion shall humanity find salvation, peace and happiness. With such a language and vision, there is no possible compromise, because we know that either we yield, or we are absorbed, and if we refuse, we are persecuted, maltreated and vilified. In the case of the communist, I believe the only solution as things now stand is to draw a wide line between communist countries and the rest of the world, and render these frontiers inhabitable by means of chemicals. Thus, the world will be well separated, and those who change their mind may improve their own way of life, until the day both opposed camps decide to live again as friends and Brothers as God demands.

Q: Your title Count of Toulouse is of Masonic origin, I understand. Are you well connected with the European Royal Courts?

A: In no ways. It is the property of the Order of the Temple, or Templar Knights’ Order, and it was my choice upon being accepted as Officer. I am, otherwise, socially connected with many Members of the European Royalty, as well as of the ancient Egyptian, Polish and Balkan Houses.

Q: Your Highness, have you the right to confer nobiliary titles?

A: I have, by right of birth, by acquired historical rights as present Head of the Gengishkanid Imperial House, and as depositarian of scores of Nobiliary Orders. Still any person can do that, since it is something as easy as calling names. However, I seldom confer titles outside the Spiritual Realm. I am at present the Head of the Justice Department of the Universal Academy of Warranted Hereditary Titles, Knighthood and Heraldry. I don´t believe in “honoris causa” nobility and I consider bought titles ridiculous.

Q: Do you entertain any hope of returning to Asia, and reinstating the Imperial Throne of your forebears? What is your opinion of the present conditions in communistic Asia?

A: I am an exiled person for good. I have given up all hopes of restauration of my family rights. I had the chance of becoming Emperor when the Japanese took over China. I prefer to live quietly exclusively dedicated to my Spiritual Mission. I am a democrat at heart, and do not like politics. Nowadays it is difficult to rule without indulging in politics. I know I am not made for this sort of existence. Spiritually, I have all I need, and exert the greatest possible moral authority. My surrounding is integrated by authentic sages; this is more than I could say of Royal Courts, where call nobles are not always really nobles in to true sense of the word. The day I am deprive of the right to live freely and quietly I shall retire to some remote Islands where all sages may accompany me.

China now suffers a terrible plight, because communism degrading, and it makes class hatred and ruthlessness its main weapons.

Q: Can you entertain me on the Tibetan Shambhala celebration you are about to hold outside Paris soon?

A: Shambhala has nothing Tibetan. It is a very ancient Festival which comprises three different parts, namely: Invocation of the Divine Presence, Integral Consecration, and Blessing the World. It is a magical Initiatic ceremonial, known as Holy Assembly.

Shambhala is a Tibetan word, but the practice is as ancient as the Esoteric Initiations themselves. In the course of this process participants must prove worthy of the Divine Presence, then they are consecrated by the Holy Assembly. At the end, a great motive or Mandala is presented, and the Holy Assembly Blesses the Universe in accordance with the meaning of the Mandala. Mandala means Wheel, or Force in Action. There are Mandalas of Peace, Prosperity, Brotherhood, Health, Homage, or any motive.

Q: In California and Colorado we have many mystics who claim to be in permanent contact with Shambalah.

A: Unfortunately, freak Mahatmas and self-exalted Deities abound over there more than in all Asia. I remember reading about Shambhala in a Colorado publication, where it is claimed that a deep shaft connects the center of the earth and the city of Lhasa, and in it are great palaces and the untold riches of Shambhala. We must say it is a fancy way of refering to Shambhalah. Shambhalah is seldom held. During this century it was held in 1917 at Lob Nor´. It is said to take place only once in each century, but in reality, it is held whenever much needed. The participants are advanced philosophers, great sages, and highly Initiated people, and the elected President is the Divine Vehicle of all the world. These people must be very good, in order to be able to Bless the whole world, and to dedicate themselves integrally to Truth, Enlightenment, Divine Ministration and Impersonal life.

Q: Is there a special place where these ceremonials may prove more effective? I once attended a Grand Assembly at Ojai, in California where Krishnamurti established the Paradise according to his Teachings.

A: Shambhala is usually held far away from place where people frequent or dwell, so as to avoid foul psychic forces, evil mental vibrations and selfish desires. Otherwise, there is nothing mysterious about it. Mysteries are the offspring of ignorance. About Ojai, I was there myself, and I was told that they were abandoning the project of establishing a Paradise there, since they cannot find any water anywhere in the Valley. Gracious, don´t you think the theosophical Masters should have known better from the start? Thousands of people have dedicated their savings in order to make this ideal civilization of Ojai, hundreds of women have abandoned their homes to follow Krishnamurti, millions have been spent in projects alone, and all this for nothing.

Q: What is this beautiful oriental painting. Your Highness?

A: This is a Tibetan painting, representing a Mandala of wisdom. It is the Blessings of the Sages.

Q: Is this your father, Sir?

A: No, this is a photograph of Ramana Maharshi, a great Sage. He has just sent me this autographed likeness of this with friends from India. He is the greatest living saint of India, and unquestionably a great philosopher, although he hardly speaks.

Q: If he speaks so little, how can he be a philosopher? Is he greater that Gandhi?

A: Civilized people give too much importance to words, and they believe that the more they speak the more they prove their smartness. It is the contrary, the more they speak the less they say. In reality, the more we know the less we feel like speaking, because to know much is to be ignorant of much, too. True wisdom is not spoken; it is lived and instead of being explained it is exemplified.

Q: I do not mean to be inquisitive, but you authorized me to express my queries. Some people accuse you of being flesh-eater and admirer of lovely ladies. Are these things prohibited in the Spiritual Realm?

A: These are two long stories. In order to eat flesh animals must be killed, and flesh is impregnated with animal forces and motives. It is generally believed that those who eat flesh become instinctive, impulsive, that is non-spiritual. In central Asia, we cannot always find fruits and cereals, so meat is the main dish. Now, in regards to ladies, I fail to understand why some people consider then the seed of discord, desire, evil, and spirit of hell. Those who speak thus must have never had a mother, and at least one sister, one girl-friend, or one wife. Their world is purely masculine, so in their concept women are not human beings but simple pleasure-tools, or animals of burden. I confess I cannot understand anything in these respects. I don´t believe I am less Spiritual because I eat flesh, or less respectable because I treat ladies kindly.

Q: If you will permit me just one last question, Sir, do you believe there will be another war soon, as it is generally believed?

A: I am not informed about diplomatic designs and political affairs, but I cannot believe there will be peace among men so long as people treat each other as opponents and motives of exploitation. Human beings have still to learn how to live as Friends and Brothers. Now, they cannot even live as partners and neighbors, because they cheat and hate each other too much. I wish I could make all humanity understand this, so that all people could live more freely and peacefully, without ever trying to squeeze, hurt, vilify and exploit each other.

As I prepare to take leave from my host several me to take a good rest, and to contact him whenever I feel the need.

I know the Ill. Maha Chohan, and I do not believe there is a greater privilege.

Paris 6th of March, 1948