Visto: 5218



This course makes possible for each person to discover her/his internal being, uncovering the internal self that resides in each one of us, that is the Universal Soul, The Eternal Reality, The Divine Essence.

It perfects the human individual so this may constitute a better collectivity, this way enlightening even greater humanity. It searches for solutions to human problems in the serene consideration of reality, without making use of neither deceptive means nor hasty procedures.

It nurtures the self in all its aspects so this, better prepared, may suitably face up to the external or circumstantial reality and be able to conveniently solve any crisis, put an end to doubts and finish any trouble by means of an ample understanding of facts and a lucid vision of what life is.

It guides life toward paths of genuine individual and collective growth, by way of social individualism, that is as well generous and unconditional. This is universal socialism without imposed restrains to the right of free evaluation, individual freedom and the right to conscientious and superlative life, opposing this way to crude materialism as well as to unpractical simplism currently prevailing.

It seeks the Communion with the Cosmic Conscience throughout the intimate and essential path way to the Self: The Mystic Communion.

We prefer the method that uses Spiritual Culture to any other form of trial. This way, we hope to favor the development and the unconditional implantation in all the world of an immediate and authentic Spiritual Reborn.