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** CO-OPERATION is our watchword. Of course, your Membership DUES do not make you a different person from what you really are. But by becoming an ACTIVE ASSOCIATE MEMBER you collaborate effectively toward the better structure of the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD- COMMONWEALTH as well as toward its proper management, above all mythic, conventional or not entirely humanitarian designs.

** There are more than seven different races. But more than seventy traditions, seven hundred cultures and seven thousand religions among the many nations.

WHY should they all be identical and absolutely reduced to "One" by anyone or by the most willful and powerful?

WHY, WHY should any race or religion be more privileged than all the others ?

WHY, W H Y,  W  H  Y  should any race , religion, culture or nation in particular impose itself and either deny, annihilate or subdue and enslave all the others by means of vicious hatred, monstrous bigotry, barbarian violence, abominable colonialism, cruel immorality, devilish inquisition, roguish supranationalism, or totalitarian self-righteous sufficiency of supposed Divine virtues?

** The living symbol of the United Nations, since 1945, is attempting to establish a world economical and political collaboration. IS IT NOT TIME FOR ALL THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL ELITE of mankind, for all those who are toiling for the betterment and well-being of man and who speak of Universal Spiritual Values and preach Divine Truth, Brotherhood and Peace -- to finally prove the Sacredness of their ideals?

** YOU MAY SAY THAT YOU HAVE LIVED to see the ideal of the Worldwide Brotherhood - Co-operative - Commonwealth of Mankind, REALIZED.

But does this really mean anything to you? Or do you prefer the jungle rule?


MESSAGES to the Governments and People of all the Nations - A petition for judicious consideration and redress = Precision on the HIGHWAYS and beacon-lights of the New Age BREAKTHROUGH from jungle rule to righteous, peaceful and truly intelligent living.


Excerpt From: General Membership Handbook (full text at disposal)