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By Chin Yu Hu

Gr:. M:. Chinese Grand Lodge

(Adherent to the August S:.O:.M:.A:. and the UNIVERSAL HOLY REAL.

(Published en 1952. Unfulfilled hopes. Beyond time and space)


         We have received a considerable number of new books dealing on the new developments of science. Among those, we find a Scientific Symposium published by Ana Verlag of Germany, Applied Nucleonic by Prof. N. Dearing, Industrial Chemistry by Prof. N. Scott, Science Reports by Dr. Robert S. Aries, and a thesis on TISSUE REJUVENATION just published by Sir B.. Goldwyn, most noteworthy because it brings now lights on the age-old problem of the prolongation of Youth. We expect to diffuse this important work, as it deserves.

            Another important work by Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind on industrial applications of nuclear energy is about to be published. It sums up the spirit of modern scientific advancement and technological conquests, offering ample new horizons of perception, hope and confidence for future mankind, particularly in the fields of food production and the better use of valuable elements, which are common in all nature but unavailable because of processing difficulties. Those precious books, on the wonders of the world of tomorrow, among scores of others of equal if not superior interest to war-weary mankind, constitute a revelation of the miraculous accomplishments of human genii, proving, furthermore, that there is no real ground for worry about the future of the world, since overpopulation need never become a threat of starvation or a permanent source of menace to the well-being and peace.


………../… You being able to escape the Chinese hell, however, is a definite proof that it is not extreme in its methods. The fact that so many missionaries are getting out of China alive proves that their lives are respected, and that some people still believe to a certain extent in personal freedom.

            Personally, we believe upon experience that COMMUNISM is a vicious force and most hellish tyranny, so we are not trying to defend or recommend it. What we want to see prevail in the whole world is TRUTH, not hate, pride, jealousy, greed and hypocrisy. We should all help toward the making of a better world on such a basis, above all prejudice and selfishness, which are poisonous and monstrous.

            The whole world is at war. But Churches, like Masonry, should strive for PEACE. The great task to be accomplished is one of forbearance, education, patience, guidance, love, not of complaints, accusations, harsh criticism, insolence, aggressiveness, sectarianism, selfishness and self-righteousness. We may also pray, of course, but without stopping to be a living example of our claims, promises and Teachings.

            As for our cooperation with the Catholic Church, we will gladly give it frankly the day Catholic Churches and Cathedrals are open to all mankind, regardless of creed and racial traditions, and when the Vatican orders all Priests to be friend, respect and love Masons, Protestants and people of all other Religions, as well as, when the Holy Pope of Rome orders Catholic laity to practice true Christian Teachings and stop all evil thoughts, evil actions and ill-will toward people of other faiths or non-Roman Catholics. Needless to say, we already give the good example in those particulars.

            We admire the Roman Catholic Church, like all Churches, in fact, and we want to cooperate with it toward guiding mankind in its better destiny. Let us hope the Vatican will see our point of view of freethinkers and advanced idealists, and grant us the same rights and the same respect, which we grant others. God is Universal, for everybody, without discrimination. All people have their own ways of expressing their FAITH in the Great Architect of the Universe, and there is no reason for their being opposed or unkind to each other. Why not UNITE for Peace, order and brotherhood on a basis of mutual respect? That is what is meant by UNIVERSAL HOLY REALM.

            Several decades ago Albert Lantoine, of the Esoteric Grand Lodge of France wrote a book entitled LETTRE AU PONTIFE, and ever a century ago, the Marquis St. Yves d’Alveydre also wrote MISSION DE LA CHRÉTIENTÉ. Those documents represent our fundamentals as well as our feelings, and you may peruse and study them, as you will, without finding in them the least ill feeling or ill will toward the Vatican, or Christendom. True Masonry is not here to combat Religion but to assist, purify and strengthen it, no matter to what tradition it may be attached or how it may be organized. What we really cannot agree upon, is religious prejudice and political designs in individuals who claim to be Ministers of God or of Faith. Religion should keep its place as an educational and inspiring organization, not as a scheme of world mystic, economic, social or cultural hegemony. Politics is the curse of mankind, breeding only war and slavery.

            Pure Masonry as purported by the August S:.O:.M:.A:. entertains no quarrel with anybody, and it is not in the race of interests. In fact, neither does it believe in losing time in interpreting prestige and doctrines, or in proselytizing. It acquires following only by proving that Human Brotherhood, Order and Peace can be real and effective only if people sincerely abide by Universal Principles and behave morally.

            Most devotedly yours, in Universal Brotherhood and Peace

            With our accolade form the Heart.

            Chin Yu Hu