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The Supreme Council of Modern Times

Reunion of the participants of all Initiatic Schools and Brotherhoods

Under the Auspices of the August S:.O:.M:.A:.

In Paris, on the 21st of June 1950, France – Salle de l’Horticulture, 84 rue de Grenelle

(Opening at 8 P.M. sharp)


Permanent Address : 18, rue Maurice Arnoux – Montrouge – (seine) – France.

            «A disunited Masonry is a grotesque affaire, a shameful insultto the majesty of the Great Universal Architecture. It is indeeda crime if it must be at the service of selfish interests or designsforeign to Universal Principles. It is the religion of the creativeVerb of the Spirit, which underlies all the ideals of man in matterpsychological, social, cultural or spiritual at large, wherever the imperatives of lifeexpand in the Universe in ennobling andDivine purposes”. -Koot Hoomi Lal Singh


The Masonic Craft has its own share of serious problems nowadays, and whether we care to admit it or not, it is now at a rather preliminary stage of fulfillment of its fundamental principles and transcendental aims.

The justification of M:., as a spiritual motive and norm, or even as a moralizing factor, could only become a substantial reality under the shape of a practical idealism, of which its magnificent symbolism alone should indicate the effective and unquestionable hermeneutic and spagirical formula.

For several decades the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF MASTER MASONS has been in the process of formation, and its directing Senate constitutes the S:.O:.M:.A:.Thus onlycould the restitution of the Sacred Doctrine have been ensured, as also the rehabilitation of the hieratic and magical processes and professions of Initiation.Fortunately, it isnow possible to offer a magnificent presence of the manifold virtues and prestiges, which belong to an organization such as oar’s, the immediate purpose of which constitutes the restauration of the Masonic Craft to its own primordial rights, attributes and objectives.

Present times, tragical as they are, and mainly due to the fact that man evolves along a path of dangerous progress, require that Masonry assumes its own responsibilities in the concert of forces in action – and above all that it justifies its fundamental mission.It is the duty of M:.Brethren themselves to produce the evidences of their own raison d’être.

Therefore, it is no longer a matter of international struggles, theological quarrels or theocratic and logomachian whims or fancies.The crucial point is one of morality and principles in the unfoldment of our own interests, rather than one of armed sects and opposed traditions.

Therefore, it is our task and duty to make our way through the treacherous purposes and malignant discriminations of the past, and to surmount all ill designs of selfish character.Lodges and Churches must once for all work harmoniously, and science and philosophy as complementary endeavors.

We have already emphasized to the Vatican as well as to all the organized powers of the world, our earnest and open position, our noble principles and our generous action, and that we are completely detached of all traditions, fancy lyrics or futile delusions. Consequently, let us be appreciated on the basic of what we are, since we could not be worth more than that.

This also summarizes the fundamental motive for the convocation of the Great International Masonic Congress.We hold that the G:.F:.must unite, and it likewise should become an unquestionable Moral Force capable of establishing a fair equilibrium among antagonistic powers, wich are irremediably doomed to mutual destruction preciselybecause of their absolute dogmas and their ominous hegemonistic designs.

It is imperative, indeed, that we solve the many problems, which affect the nature and the rights of the Initiatic Realm, by preventing henceforth all portends and interferences of a sectarian character, or by whatsoever sort of religious, political, nationalistic, racial, or personalistical discrimination.

It must also be duly emphasized that a M:.Reinstatement of principles, or Reformation is afoot throughout the world.This must needs be understood, as well as publicized, since the neither a SECRET SOCIETY nor a POLITICAL CLUB, or an ANTIRELIGIOUS SCHEME, as the Masonic Craft has unfortunately become and still is in some countries.On the contrary, our task consists precisely in restituting Masonry to its true proportions.

We insist, the S:.O:.M:.A:.and the W:. A:, of M:.M:.have absolutely nothing in common with these complex modalities of degenerated Crafts, which are Masonic in name only.Let us not be misconstrued and misunderstood.

The Masonry is, above all, a S:. Science, which is neither atheistic, sectarian, dogmatic, intolerant, nor totalitarian, and we claim in its name the utmost respect as befits it highest qualifications.Modern democracy is therefore under test also.

Consequently, all the M:.M:. and all M:.PP:.,interested in our program and in our endeavors toward the solution of all problems, are invited to cooperate with us in this magnificent epopee.In fact, no one could truly deserve the dignity of Mastery in the S:.Craft without participating wholeheartedly in this supreme confrontation of Initiatic attributes and rights.

We wish to recommend to the G:. Comm:., all Gr:. L:.andL:., to send their Deputies or Delegations.We would also like to receive Messages, Studies and Propositions from the Initiates of all Rites, and from the adherents of all philosophical Schools, or Religious Associations, in accordance with our aims of human rehabilitation and dignification.

Forsooth, it is to the advantage of all to be duly imbued of the Initiatic aims, whether they be merely symbolical or transcendentally Spiritual, Esoteric, as well as the projections of the Vital Verb. Therein lie the whole Essence of the being and all the meaning of life.

We trust that this unique opportunity will not be frustrated in its noble motives, and that all Brethren will know how to respond in full consciousness in the face of the danger which threaten the peace of the world and even the rights of man to live in freedom, conscientiously, respectably and happy.


A:.M:.M:.M:. (Grand Masonic Consistory)

State of New York

General Grand Masonic Congress, USA

The United Supreme Council of USA and Canada

Grande Loge Esotérique de France

Esoteric Grand Lodge of California – Los Ángeles – Calif. USA

Gran Logia Esotérica, Havana, Cuba

Grande Oriente Mass:. D’Italia e sue dipendenze

Gran Logia Masonica Lautariana – Santiago de Chile – Chile

New York City, the 1rst of January, 1950


            Last minute information forces us to modify our plans of action. In fact we learn that a group of erstwhile and advanced America, Canada and Cuba is interested in holding an INTERNATIONAL MASONICCOUNCIL.

            Arrangements have been made, therefore, to hold this Congress of Paris as scheduled and that Council shall convene in New York City at the end of 1950.

            The transactions and decisions of the WORLD MASONIC CONGRESS will be presented at the INTERNATIONAL MASONIC COUNCIL and further dealt upon.Later they will all be published together.

Gran Logia Esotérica de CubaEsoteric Grand Lodge of America Inc./pend.G. LuceroCalifornia Section.Calle 0 Nº 10 –Vedado. HavanaP.O.Box 494 –Los Ángeles 53, Calif.USA

Grande Loge Esotérique de France –18 rue M.Arnoux, Montrouge (Seine)

Due to the shortness of time, we request all Br :. to help us in diffusing this invitation throughout the world.

Messages, propositions, essays and books should be sent without delay to our general address:


18, rue Maurice Arnoux, - Montrouge – Seine – France.