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The New Age Spiritual Ambassador


Unique Vehicle of Eternal-Universal Truth, Promoting and Making possible the modern Spiritual Renaissance by way of the genuine effective and practical Friendship-Brotherhood-Commonwealth of Man
Independent, unbiased, non sectarian, non profit, unlimited Official Organ of the:
The Universal Brotherhood Commonwealth of Man and the


PRIMAVERA                                             Abril 7, 1961 … 2009…

AL SERVICIO de Dios, de la Verdad, de la Humanidad y de la Regla de Oro de Amor, Rectitud y Sabiduría. Por encima de prejuicios, imparcial, no mercantil, no político y no proselitista.

Internacionalismo en el plano humano,
Ilimitados en conceptos e ideología,

Infinitos en visiones y aspiraciones, y
Universianos en asuntos espirituales.


“Whether the good seeds actually sprout or not, I do not care, and I shall continue to sow them. If they prosper, I shall take care of them until they bear fruits”     Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig

For almost three decades, we have been expressing publicly our views on rather vital issues of a world which is extremely confuse due to effete morals and swamped in harrowing complexes amid profound darkness due to utter spiritual void. Nevertheless, considering some objections received at time it would appear that we have as yet not succeeded in making our stand clear.

We would like to emphasize further, if possible, that the UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE is absolutely unbiased and above prejudice in all the aspects of human problems, interests, yearnings and ideals, whether material, moral, ideological or spiritual.

The great doubts arising from our NEW AGE WORLD PRESS SERVICE pronouncements and information, it would appear, are (1) - Astrology is taboo and contemptible, (2) - Flying Saucers are permanent visitors of the earth, but not in contact with people, (3) - America is not the wonderful paradise of democracy that current (American) propaganda claims, (4) - the Moslems and Arabs cannot be wrong in the Palestine problem, (5) - Eichmann deserves human treatment and should not be tried, (6) – Some Yoguis are not at all yoguis but simple deceivers, but there is no gauge to judge by, (7) - We claim and affirm that all religions are good, yet Judaism professes that no other religion is as good and perfect, or preferred by God, whereas Abraham is the “Divine seed in man”, (8) -COMMUNISM world not be so bad after all, despite the fact that the world has been told illustratedly that it is the most abominable way of life possible, a really devilish barbarianism, (9) - Cuba’s revolution is much different than all what we read in the big press, as if all the newsprint information were completely wrong and deceiving, and (l0) – the  UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE, is too strict, much, too perfectionist, and too idealist, so few people actually gather the required conditions to integrate the World—wide Brotherhood – Commonwealth of Man, the which lives outside most of mankind.

Now let us give clear and concise answers: (1) – We are not opposed or against any religion, science, art or philosophy; we are only cautious about astrologers, psychologists, occultists, sophists and mystical sectarians of all sort, because they can be dangerously misled and misleading on account of their wrong mental formation. (2) – we admit and even affirm the existence of so called Flying Saucers, which are interplanetary visitors, but we refuse to believe the charlatans who claim that they visit other planets, the under of the Pyramids, the innards of the Sphinx, and hold lengthy conferences with cosmic entities. If it is true that birds of a same feather flock together, the interplanetary beings who take the trouble of visiting the earth and contact only nitwits and foolish doctrinaires must not be so advanced and trustworthy. Trustworthy sages would presumably contact moral and respectable people. (3) – In regards to America and other countries of this planet, we only refer to facts which can be ascertained by anybody, revealing the sense, also, of current events by their evident characteristics. We love the America of Jefferson, Lincoln and Henry, but not that of politicians ad usum. (5) - Yes, yes, yes, we are absolutely against CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, yet we approve the destruction of fiendish criminals in themselves, when there is no sense of revenge involved. Monsters must be destroyed before they create disasters and murder everybody round them, be they vicious tyrants, brutish conquerors, fiendish megalomaniacs, insane politicians, or ruthless charlatans. In the case of Eichmann the element of doubt arises, as being a soldier he was forced to obey orders. Israel wants to punish Eichmann not on grounds of justice but of revenge and resentment, which is inhuman. Israel did not exist when Eichmann was a soldier, and Germany was at war when she perpetrated her “crimes” purportedly in self-defense. But we are neither for Eichmann nor against Israel any way, although we would prefer to see mankind evolve on a basis of ennobling designs and pure democracy, not on war reasons and inhuman designs. What chance has Eichmann in Israel?  (6) – Yes there is a gauge to judge by in the case of false Yoguis and Swamis or deceitful saints, mahatmas and devas. Truthfulness and righteousness cannot be bargained with, and we can always tell what sincerity is and what is noble-mindedness, or purity of heart. To speak aloud is one thing, but quite another to prove pronouncements, or to live by certain claims. (7) – All religions are but essays, or sometime like ways leading to a certain definite goal, not absolute means, or unique roads to perfection, happiness and “salvation”. Were it as objected to, here, mankind would be as perfect as God by now, after so many hundreds and thousands of centuries of existence. Now, all faiths will claim exclusive rights, or supreme authority, or unique condition, and that is their privileges which we must respect so long as they are not disproved or discredited by themselves. (8) – We are sorry, but we are TRUTHFUL and RIGHTEOUS to the extreme, and we cannot remain moaning and harping en past errors, crimes and cruelties of other people. There as such a thing as evolution, or human perfectionment, and organizations as well as nations and people do change. If Russia and China must be perennially blamed, vilified and condemned for their past nonsense, then we should apply the same treatment to the Roman Church for the Inquisition and the infernal infamies of the crusades, the persecution of Protestantism and Humanism, and the idiotic excommunication of liberalism and Masonry. Besides, we are NOT politicians, and we see historic events in their true light as impacts and leaps or bounds of progress. Some call communism the “religion of hell”; well we earnestly believe that there are most wonderful things in communism, such as the attitude of demanding the eradication of armies and armaments and tie abolishment of nuclear weapons, and when we see a Movie we find there profound human feelings, a genuine spiritual noblesse, a purified sense of art, magnificent idealism;  non—sexy, non—violent, non—animalistic, non—barbarian arguments; and a cult for friendship which we never, never discover is Western cinema films. Russia and China are therefore not so Savage, monstrous, devilish, or ignominious as it is currently claimed. (9)—In regards to the Cuban revolution we are always objective, with constant observation on the spot, trying to give the sense of developments and not their tragic inflections and passing or fluctuating details. It is a sort of lived idealism. People who are not idealist could not understand this great social transformation which rests primarily on human rehabilitation by way of profound education and righteous conduct. We sincerely believe that those who condemn it are without ideal, and they live in the past, tightly adhered to crude yet glorified materialism. (10) – The UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE is strict in its Membership conditions, because we have a task of human rehabilitation and spiritual actualization to accomplish. Rogues, criminals, delinquents, ruffians, mystical freaks, outlaws, unscrupulous characters and foolish bigots cannot be chosen as idoneous elements. But we reject nobody in our SERVICES, particularly in education, Social Rehabilitation, Economic Security and Spiritual Communion, where people can be adequately assisted and uplifted. See our Memberships conditions. Those who reject Membership in the UNIVERAL RELIGIOUS ALLIANCE therefore, are either too perfect, or too supercilious, too roguish or too materialized, and we prefer to let them follow their preferred course. – We love to plant good seeds everywhere and also to cultivate the great universal garden of yearning souls. In fact our main effort consists in creating conditions in man for sef-rehabilitation as well as the purest heights of excellence in ethics, culture, humanism and spirituality. The profound darkness which surrounds and impregnates mankind at large must be dispelled ere man may discover himself and set out to improve his own conditions for a nobler and more purposeful existence.

Needless to say, we do have a different conception of life, and for one thing we abhor crude MATERIALISM. We toil for the Universal Brotherhood—Commonwealth of Peaceful and Free People, and we know that our task is not small and easy. Still our attitude toward life is dynamic and constructive, as well as positive insofar as vital Spiritual designs are at issue. We believe above all in the betterment of human nature, as a basic condition for nobler realizations, and true spiritual projections. Certainly this is rather far fetched when compared to American ways of life which enlist so many adepts throughout the materialistic world, but we cannot live unconsciously, herded around, drugged by Hollywoodism and the brutish glamour or arrogant militarism. Also, we are all too aware of the fact that delusions are misleading. For instance, Europe is like corps which refuses to admit its demise, yet dons cloaks of disguise so as to appear prestigious and powerful. As for America, it stands for world domineering, and its acts in Africa, Asia and Latin-America amply prove our point, without the least moral authority and spiritual dignity. We cannot set aside the crude facts about the wonderful American ways of life, now a part of the heavenly Vatican blessings upon the world, namely, according to Police records given by the FBI and the Department of Justice. “At least one American is accidentally killed each hour, and one murdered every half hour throughout the U.S.A. Each 35 minutes a girl or woman is attacked by sexual fiends. A robbery is committed each seven minutes, and a grand larceny with or without destruction of private property every 10 minutes. Every 23 second a house has been broken in, or a car was stolen. 119.610 persons were either brutalized or maltreated in apartments and offices. 148.000 youngsters were arrested for motives of juvenile delinquency. 598.649 young girls have been either brutally rapped, or abused in their innocence by friends, and 496.000 have completely disappeared, having lost tract of their whereabouts. There are, according to official estimates, around 389.452 prostitutes in New York City alone, and over twenty-two million throughout the territory. This statistical account is for the year 1959 only. Now it is much worse, as there is no less than 60% of the male population of military age which is unfit for service, according to Military records. For all these reasons, we really wonder much about what the universities and churches do in America, although they abound there in greater quantity – and very wealthy at that – than in any other Continent. Are we not justified in seeking a solution to world problems, and to strive to rehabilitate human nature?


“I am the Brother of all good people, the helper of all weak and needy
people, and the teacher of all ill-educated people”  Pr. OM Lin Schernrezig


I N F I N I T E   T H A N K S for the countless letters of congratulations received. Some with financial support, and a few with strong criticism. THANKS infinitely.

Letters of criticism are most welcome; they prove that our work is appreciated, somehow. They also guide and assist us in our contacts with the world’s intelligent teeming million

Financial help is most appreciated, of course, as we have to meet our bills. We are sorry that our means do not permit us to present our literature in better form, but we have to works so fast always, and we can only use the means at hand. Some people criticize us because we have a poorly presented literature. Well, why not admit it? We are not financed by any government, trust, or powerful sect, but only thrive on what small aid we receive from friend. If we could pay our bills with the criticism of discontents we would be happy, although we would lose our critics.