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It is a well known fact that the UNIVERSAL SERVICE UNION is an International Confederation of Learned Societies, Churches, Fraternities, Philosophical Groups, Artists Guilds, Ethical Movements and Mystical Associations including Naturist, Masonic and Students, Clubs, and also a World-wide Syndicate of Freethinkers, Artists, Idealists and Mystics of all Faiths and Schools, Artisans of all trades and even labour unions.
The USU stroke a magic note the day she called its numerous Members to order requesting them NOT TO STRUGGLE VAINLY, AND TO MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING, BY MEANS OF COOPERATION. The watchword became: SERVICE, and the mainstays: HUMAN WELLBEING, DIGNITY, HAPINESS, AND MUTUAL RESPECT AND PROTECTION. There was to be no mincing, or half-taints, but only one kind of thoroughbred practical idealism!
Individuals as well as Corporate groups were told that their autonomy and sovereignty would be safeguarded in every possible way, but that ALL HAVE TO COOPERATE TOWARD TO THE “FREEDOM AND LIBERATION” OF EACH AND ALL.
Upon such a foundation, and with this exemplary predicament, the USU sailed head long and in full breast thrust for triumphant humanitarian principles. From this day on, also, were guaranteed certain conquests of moral and spiritual significance never heretofore dreamed of by human beings. This was four scores and nine years ago, and thanks to the dedication and undivided faith of our leaders, the USU managed to steer its way to the ventageous position which it now occupies throughout the world.
The evolution of the USU has been a difficult one. Yet today we look upon past difficulties as necessary steps, because thanks to them we have learned very much, and we were thus able to make history on our own account.
If we study the literary output under the winged symbol of the USU from the time of its foundation, we will realize that our evolution has corresponded to the troubled historical conditions of our time to remedy world ills and solve human problems. We are highly strung in philosophy, and this has been the reason for our being tagged “spiritualists”, yet, we were only idealists, and not dabbers in the occult or spook chasers. We know Morals were fundamental in human evolution, and that until we cultivated Spiritual Values we would not qualify for higher forms of life.

Then, we were facing the crudities and gruesome conditions of a crucial moment in history, while mankind was kicking, eating and waging wanton warfare (and is still at it as though this was its favorite sport and unique effective morals). We had to create an instrument whereby Understanding and Mutual Respect, as well as practical Service could be reached. This instrument or public agency had to be capable, also, to promote Human Well-being and guarantee Human Happiness, through its moral force and spiritual capacities.

So the USU devised THE PARLIAMENT OF MAN. The Sections of the USU throughout the world would elect Delegates or appointees with the express obligation to constitute and conduct this PARLIAMENT OF MAN.

The USU itself is governed by a Board of Directors, and the Heads or Presidents of each one of the Societies, Churches, Brotherhoods or Syndicates adherent to the USU automatically become Members of this World Board of Directors. In this manner the USU becomes controlled, conducted, organized and inspired by able and respectable leaders from all sorts of Movements and Associations, the which guarantees its unbiased character and its Universality of purposes.

Furthermore, the USU is fiscalized, subject to the severe criticism and well-meant comments of what is known as the INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF UNIVERSAL JUSTICE, PEACE, ORDER AND COMMONWEALTH. This order is formed by prestigious persons chosen by the USU from all sectors and all walks of life. This body, as we may easily surmise, is composed of many people who are not even familiar with the USU ideals, and many of them are even enemical to us. Yet, we gladly accept this body’s judgment, because its task is to inform and inspire the World Board of Directors, and also to criticize its activities or condemn its errors. Its basic function, indeed, is to ensure the enforcement of the General Rules and Bylaws of the USU. Thus, we may safely state that we are the only existing body which accepts to be inspired, criticized and morally condemned if need be, by a group of the most chosen citizens of the whole world.

THE PARLIAMENT OF MAN is then constituted by representatives whose executive abilities have already been commented upon and criticized by the International Order of Knights, and this is a guarantee in itself, since these Delegates must be endowed with moral courage and sufficient abilities to voice the needs of mankind, and to request from religious and political powers rights or assistance to which humanity is naturally entitled.

THE PARLIAMENT OF MAN is yet in its infancy, but it is bound to grow, and to set examples for lesser Parliaments, minor groups, and all nobly inspired individuals as well. This is unquestionably the first experiment ever essayed toward the better management and inspiration of human affaires on the basis of Universal Principles and humanistic moral tenets. Such a Constituency in representation of the interests of all Humanity is hallowed by a spiritual prestige and moral force of the highest historical significance, because it brings to an end all selfish designs and sectarian limitations, as well as personalistic forms of tyranny.

Mayo 17 de 1942 . . . . . . 2006
