Visto: 3564


If you want to know more about the UNO, which is the Official World Organization to reshape the world, and – so we are told – make it safe for Democracy, you must know what one of its inspirers, and chief exponents of modern humanism has to say about it.

Get acquainted with our criticism of this World United Nations, showing its main faults and shortcomings, why it is doomed to fail if not reorganized soon so as to be a much needed functional form of WORLD GOVERNMENT, becoming a real Parliament of Man, and making of this World a real ONE WORLD OF THE GREAT HUMAN FAMILY with a simple Moral Standard, and no more FRONTIERS, TARIFF WALLS, MIGRATORY RESTRICTIONS, ECONOMIC EMPIRES, IMPERIALISTIC SPHERES and CRUDE PRIMITIVE NATIONALISM (extension of primitive tribal sovereignty) to separate human beings into different and antagonistic sections, and opposed to each other.

We have heard enough of Nationalism, Communism, and this or that exclusive traditional religious system. What humankind really needs is COHUMANISM.

An unabridged copy of this Message will be sent FREE upon request. YOUTH MUST KNOW WHAT IS COMING NEXT.

Excerpts from: WORLD YOUTH RALLY