Visto: 3689


One basic need: Human Regeneration
One worlwide Homeland
One standard of wholesome living
One understanding and happy Great Family
One Society of Regenerated and Free Humanity
One Spiritual Realization




If Capital-Communism is an impossible combination, why not try Cohumanism, wherein the excesses of force of both are obliterated?

If Religion and Idealism cannot merge or coexist, why not avoid their excesses of fancy and totalitarianism, resorting to Cosmocracy?

Regardless of how many times a Christ, Messiah, Guru, Master or Avatar be born to the world, and despite the fact that we celebrate such event each day of our lives, if the Christ, Messiah, Guru, Master or Avatar is not born unto ourselves and if we do not adjust our lives to His Teachings and Cosmic import we are simply being overly fanciful and morbously sentimental with no other advantage than a selfish delusion to misguide us.

How about making the wonders of Christmas tide a daily event of our lives, and stop babling, squabbling and killing over delusive dogmas and unsincere ideals, so that real Peace and Brotherhood may be possible. Would it not please the Almighty more if we all marked time with the wondrous cosmic events that constantly hail us from everywhere?  Or is the yearly fit of religiosity only the result of the lovely geese and turkeys that people so gladly victimeze?