Barcelona, the 10th of July, 1966

Mrs. Elsie G. SANDERS

Beloved ONE

Sister and Disciple


No news from you since ages. What is the matter? I trust you are not fed up with all the problems, and sick of the vain struggles. But we have to keep on, as we shall triumph in the long run.

New developments are that my candidacy has been presented by Japan and India organizations, for the post of Secretary General of the UNITED NATIONS. Mr. U. Thant, present Secretary General is retiring, as his term expires soon, and there is considerable difficulty in finding a suitable person to fit the shoes or to meet the challenges.

Enclosed is a document, which I beg you to sign and return to me as soon as possible. Make affidavit if you wish, if it is not too expensive. Looks like this is a good prospect, and that past would make we want to live two hundred years were. I certain would get his world straightened up in a short time.

My residence is well promised officially, but I have seen materialize nothing as yet. Maybe they´ll solve this problem in a century or so. The World Church Service seems´s good, but they are still slower than the UN, so maybe I´ll have to wait four more years to see my problems solved. Maybe we have a different God.

Well, Cheer up, and God (the real universal One) Bless You.  With best Love and my purest Blessings,
