Interview with Psychiatrist Augusto Cury



December 16, 2008
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Dr. Augusto Cury, psychiatrist, author of one of the most complex theories about the inner workings of the mind and one of the most published authors in the world, with 7 million books sold, reveals in Think and Make It Happen the complex process of formation of thinkers nowadays.

Why do some people achieve success in social and professional theater and others do not? Deciphering the codes of intelligence is fundamental to conquer healthy relationships, creative force and professional efficiency. Unfortunately, we do not learn how to crack or apply these codes in school or at university.

The intelligence codes provide tools to enable people to build their own history and manage their thoughts in the search for intellectual and emotional freedom. The difficulty to manage thoughts and therefore become the author of your own history helps create pessimistic ideas and psychological diseases, such as depression or panic syndrome. Stress, phobias and anxiety close the windows of memory; unlike pleasant, challenging and serene emotions, which open them. Stress can close the windows of memory during public exams, job interviews or any new situation, generating lousy performance even for brilliant people. It is in this scenery that modern society has become a “factory of stressed out and anxious people”, according to Dr. Augusto Cury.

Think and Make It Happen was written for people of all ages: the ideal book for those who wish to free their minds for a world of creativity and success, who aim for freedom and intellectual freedom.

“I walk the paths of my own being in the search for myself. I write about the theater of the human mind, how we build thoughts, how we can protect emotion, how we can free the imagination. My objective is to contribute as a sower of ideas.” Dr. Augusto Cury

Interview with Augusto Cury:

In your latest book edited by Thomas Nelson you explain the intelligence codes. What are these codes and what are they good for?

The intelligence codes are fundamental to transform the human being from victim to leading role of their history, from passive spectator to author of the theater in their mind. For example, the code of “I” as debater of ideas aims at stimulating people to have the flexibility and daring to say whatever comes to their mind and not orb around what the other people think of them. Otherwise, spontaneity, creativity and capacity of creation or expansion of the world to the ideas are aborted.

In this book you talk about the mind traps. How can we detect the presence of such traps?

In this book I mention four mind traps, there certainly are more. There are phenomena in the human psyche that could block creativity and make the process of the human being becoming their own leader harder. No one can be a leader in social theater without being their own leader. The mind traps are there to show that there are subtle plots in our personality that can acquire the most important functions of intelligence, such as the need to be always right. He who does not have contact with their reality or know his flaws and miseries does not admit to his fragility, insecurity and fear. This person will never be a manager of his own psyche. On the other hand, he who is in touch with his fragility is able to recycle these conflicts. For instance, a person who is afraid to speak in public, at the exact moment in which he finds himself in front of an audience, something is triggered — a phenomenon of the unconscious. At that exact moment the “I” cannot have access to information that could have important answers for him to be able to speak clearly in public. If the “I” does not learn to recycle the mind traps that are triggered, he will never be the author of his history, will never be a team player or express his ideas in stressful situations. Therefore, he will reduce his professional leadership.

You have developed a theory about the inner workings of the mind, the construction of the thinking and the process of formation of thinkers. You have called this theory multifocal intelligence or multifocal psychology. Can you clarify this theory?

Multifocal psychology is a theory that studies four major phenomena: the construction of thoughts, the formation of the “I” as leader of the mind theater, the roles of memory and the process of transformation of emotion and psychic energy as a whole. There are phenomena in the back of your mind that have an incredible ability to build ideas. If these phenomena read your memory too fast, this could cause the Accelerated Thinking Syndrome, ATS, which I was glad to discover and unhappy to know that a great portion of the world’s population has it. We are hyper-building thoughts and, every time we do that, we steal energy from the brain cortex, which can spend as much as ten times more energy than someone who does physical labor. This causes excessive tiredness, concentration deficit, headaches, muscular pain, hair loss, anger, etc. In the conferences I give to people of all levels, I always ask them about their level of ATS, derived from multifocal psychology, and people raise their hands massively, showing that they are sick and that modern society has become a factory of stressed out and anxious people. So, multifocal psychology detects several syndromes that never used to be detected.

Who did you write “Think and Make It Happen“ for?

I wrote this book for all ages as of the teen age. The intelligence codes aim at making the “I” become the lead role, author and director of our history’s script. Otherwise, we will be manipulated by the psychic diseases, such as depression or panic syndrome; by pessimistic thoughts or by the system itself, which many times give us an idea of false freedom. The intelligence codes aim at creating free minds, because the human being is only free when he/she is truly free on the inside.